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So as y'all know, I've been working on a story.

I'm officially announcing what the story will be: it's a Jimmy Garoppolo/Logan Ryan story!

I am so excited about this, and I hope you're as excited as I am.

The story is already posted on my profile, and it's called Clandestine.

Here's a synopsis in case you're interested:

"Jimmy and Hazel had been best friends for as long as anyone could remember. They went to elementary school together, they went to middle school together, they went to high school together, and they even went to college together. They've got each other's backs no matter what.

Even when he was drafted, she moved to Boston with him. They were the dynamic duo, Haz and Jimmy.

But it all changed the day she met Logan. They had both been quietly admiring each other from afar, and then...boom. He asked her out. And she started slowly falling in love with the captivating young man from New Jersey.

And Hazel, so naïve, didn't have any idea how much of a strain Logan would put on her and Jimmy's friendship."

I hope you enjoy it and read it and comment on it and love it! I love you guys.

Until next time,

Heart Like Yours \\ M. LucicWhere stories live. Discover now