And the walls kept tumbling down

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Finney was.. nervous? Maybe, or maybe he was just overexcited. Whatever it was, it was distracting him, he couldn’t focus on what the teacher was saying, both casting very obvious glances at Robin, and at the clock, anticipation running through his veins. Robin had caught him staring at him, and instead of being weirded out he only sent a wink before turning back around. With rose colored cheeks, Finn looked down at his table.

His thoughts seemed to come to a sudden halt whenever he made eye contact with Robin. He knew he was crushing on the other boy, and yet this felt like something.. more, like it was something more than a crush.He couldn't explain it, really.

And he was staring again, okay this needs to stop. He looks up at the teacher to make sure she's not looking at him so as to not get in trouble, thankfully she was too busy teaching to pay him any attention. He snuck another glance at Robin, wow. His hair looks amazing.

Get it together, Finney. You're not a lovesick puppy. Maybe one other peek. Oh. Robin stared back at Finney, he blushed and ducked his head but Robin's stare was heavy and he could still feel it long after he tore his gaze away.

Finally, after what seemed like ten hours, but what was really only ten minutes, the bell rang, causing an uproar as the kids began shoving pens and notebooks into their backpacks and shoving their way through the door. Finney, instead of rushing, calmly put everything away, and looked up, surprised to see Robin leaning on his desk, waiting for him.

"Robin, hey." Finney smiled softly, his anxiety may be racing but with Robin, he felt calm.

"Hey buddy, are you ready to go?" He asked, an indescribable undertone to his voice.

Finney nodded happily, slipping his backpack on his shoulder and stepping up next to Robin. They began chatting about everything and nothing as they walked out of school and headed to Robin's home.

"Oh, don't you have a younger sister? Uh, what's her name…," Robin snapped his fingers, trying to remember her name, "Right! Gwen."

"Oh, yeah, why?" Finn asked, his head tilted akin to that of a bird.

"Does she know you're not heading home with her?" Robin chuckled slightly, enjoying Finney's reactions.

"Oh, most definitely, she'll cover for me with our dad too!" Finn grinned, he was excited to hang out with Robin. This was like a once in a lifetime chance, and Finn wasn't going to risk his father getting in the way of it.

"That's awesome buddy." Robin said, a soft look plastered on his face as he watched Finn bounce with excitement.

Before long, they arrived at Robin's house, where they dropped their backpacks off and hopped into Robin's uncle's truck.

Finney watched in awe as they pulled into the drive-in. He remembered going once as a little kid, when his mom was around, but now that she was gone, his father never bothered to take Gwen or him places.

Robin wrapped an arm around him. "It's amazing isn't it?"

"Amazing may just be an understatement." Finn giggled, his cheeks tainting a light red.

"I'll go get the snacks, then I'll be out of your hair, you two little rascals have fun, okay? Shout for me if anything happens." With that, Robin's uncle hopped out of the truck and headed towards the snack shack.

"Dude, your uncle is so cool." Finn awed.

"Yeah! He's the best." Robin agreed. Eventually, Robin's uncle came back with popcorn and two sodas, handing it to the both of them before departing once more.

The two boys settled into their seats as the movie began. Robin pulled Finney into his side, Finney blushed before relaxing against Robin.

They were content to simply exist with one another. For now, they didn't have to think about how what they wanted to be wasn't acceptable, they didn't have to think about the consequences of their actions. For now, they could just simply be.

- Time skip. 7:43 pm, Robin's room.

Finney sighed, sinking into Robin's bed. He was exhausted and yet adrenaline ran through his veins. Being with Robin gave him a type of exhilaration that he couldn't explain. Being with Robin made him forget his troubles.

"You comfy there, Finn?" Robin asked, a teasing tilt to his voice.

"So damn comfy…" He murmured against Robin's bed sheets.

Robin sat down next to Finn, moving the other boy's head onto his lap.

"You know you've gotta go soon, right? Your dad's gonna notice you've been gone for a while." Robin ran a hand through Finney's hair, concern evident in his voice.

Finney sighed, "I know, but I don't want to.."

"C'mon buddy, I'll walk you home." Robin stood up and pulled Finney up with him.

"No, you can't. What if something happens to you when you walk home after dropping me off?" Finn asked, putting some distance between the two of them.

"Counter point, what if something happens to you when I let you walk home alone?"

"I'll be fine!"

"Finney, I can fight, I promise I can walk you home and get home safely."

"No Robin, I won't let you."

Robin sighed, exasperated with the conversation.

"What if I had my uncle drive you home? That way I can drop you off at your house, and I won't have to walk home alone."

Finney thought for a moment, before nodding.

"Yeah, that's a good idea. I'm so smart for thinking of that." He grinned cheekily.

Robin chuckled, happy to not be arguing with Finney over something trivial.

- Time skip. Finney's Room. Robin has left.

Grabbers Personal Hate Club

President: Omg I am in LOVE💞💕💝💓💗💘❤️‍🔥💋❤️‍🩹❣️♥️💕💘💞💝🤎🧡🧡🖤💞💘🤎

Vice: I'm assuming it went well?




President: Ok it didn't go THAT well BUT we are hanging out again soon 😍🥰

Vice: Oh.

Treasurer: Expected better tbh.



Treasurer: FUCK OFF

Pompeii [ for you, the world ] (A The Black Phone Fic)Where stories live. Discover now