But if you close your eyes

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- Hospital, room B231, 4:28 pm, Saturday, 16th of December

The door to the room opened with an eerie creak, two police officers walking inside and Billy’s parents entering after them.

"We would just like to understand what went down at Soringin Avenue," The taller police officer turned to Billy’s parents, "If you would please step out, this shouldn't take much time."

Mr. Showalter raised an eyebrow and put a hand up.

"I'm afraid we can't do that, these boys won't be answering any questions without the Chief or a lawyer. I know our rights, officer."

"Of course, Sir." The smaller officer grit his teeth in annoyance.

The two men stepped out of the room, deciding to wait for the lawyer and Chief outside rather than with the victims and Mr. and Mrs. Showalter.

“He seemed rather upset, didn’t he?” Finney snorted and then began coughing harshly, his heartbeat speeding up, the monitor beeping loudly.

“Hey, breathe Finney, you gotta breathe!” Bruce grabbed Finney by his face and began to breathe exaggeratedly in hopes of getting Finn to copy his breathing.

Billy began lightly hitting Finney’s back, he looked at the heart monitor, a panicked look in his eyes. Slowly Finney began getting his breath back, his coughs subsiding slightly when the Chief and lawyer walked into the room.

“I’m okay, I promise.” Finney pushed both Bruce and Billy away from him before deciding he wanted them close. “Can we start the interrogation now?”

“Yes, but if I tell you not to answer a question, you do not answer it. Understand?” The lawyer gave them a hard stare until they nodded. “Good.”

The cops walked in and stood in front of the door, their bodies positioned in a way that gave them easy access to their guns and blocked complete access to the door.

“Will you stand down, Lefamure, Billoue.” The Chief shot the officers a glare.

“Afraid not, Chief.” Lefamure-- Finney giggled a bit, the name sounded silly-- responded, stone faced.

“That wasn’t a request, it was an order.” The cops let out a harsh sigh before relaxing their postures.

“Ok, we just need to know what happened.” Billoue looked at the boys, despite his tough appearance he had a soft look in his eyes as he looked over the boys. “Why don’t you start, Mr Blake?”

“Uh-uhm, ok. Well I was in my room and uh, I heard footsteps-- footsteps? Yeah, footsteps. Uh, anyways I heard footsteps behind me which is weird because I was facing the door. Guess now I know why they came from behind me. Uhm well we stood still for like five seconds and the next thing I know the-the man is attacking me and I’m struggling but I think he had something in his hand because I started feeling really dizzy and faint. Uh, I think he stabbed me?”

“Yeah, he stabbed you.” Bruce patted Finney’s shoulder, and the Chief motioned for Finney to keep talking.

“Ok, uh, well let’s see.. Oh yeah! Ok so basically I passed out and when I woke up I was in the basement of wherever you guys found me at, uh he introduced himself to me I think?” Finney scratched his head, a bewildered look on his face.

“What do you mean you think? You’re not sure?” Lefamure shouted. Finney flinched and the Yamada’s and their lawyer glared at the officer.

“Sir if you cannot refrain from frightening a traumatized child, then I suggest you step out of the room and leave your partner to do the questioning.” The lawyer gave Lefamure a hard stare until he sighed and stepped out of the room.

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