The rubble or our sins?

104 4 3

NOTES: please check out my ao3 for more content ! <3 (forevernightfall)

super hot guys

[9 : 18 am]

Griffin: u ever have that weird dream where ur staring at ur dead body/ grave stone / ur w a dead family memeber?

Robin: CONSTANTLY /j i just vaguely remember seeing my dad haha

Bruce: this seems like a REALLY good time to tell you guys that Billy is in the possible

Vance: He means hospital, forgive him he’s listening to let it go from frozen

Bruce: oh yeah hahaaha

Robin: now thats one way to ruin my day, what happened?

Griffin: hi uh hes.. hes not dead is he? because ive been having some pretty weird dreams

Bruce: hes... uh, hes going to be ok

replying to: hi uh hes... hes...
   Bruce: uve been having weird dreams too?

Griffin: heah!

Bruce: do u remember urs? ib dont remember mine excpet fr smome  glimpses, tis weird

Vance: somethimes i get the feeling that im trapped in a confined space haha onlyh afrter the weird dreams i dont remember

Robin: same !!

Griffin: what

Griffin: u dont remember?

Robin: nope

Griffin: thats.. thats so weird .

[11 : 23 am]

Finney: oh.

Griffin: .. haha hey finney

Finney: hi grif :D

Bruce: er not a happy moment finney, we’re waiting for u at the hospital

Bruce: all of us r here

Finney: srry i was w gwen.

Bruce: wdym? shes w us lol

Finney: i mean when u sent the original message, im omw now obv

Bruce: nice lol did u know i randomly broke my leg today? it was weird i was ok then i was crying an dleaning on vance cs my leg was sticking out in a weird direction an di t hrut

Finney: so weird

Bruce: lol. ge there soon btw bill is gna wke up soon

Finney: k

Bruce: u ok?

Finney: yeh lol just feel a bit off haha

Bruce: alr then haha


He’s falling.

It’s peaceful, so blue, and he’s falling.

Those are all facts.

As he falls, he takes in the feeling of the wind against his body, how weightless he feels, the colors that surround him— all different shades of blue. He closes his eyes, not in preparation of whats to come but because he wants to appreciate the feeling of the air against his face, the fall of his body, and soon the inevitable splat of his body hitting the ground.

Pompeii [ for you, the world ] (A The Black Phone Fic)Where stories live. Discover now