How am I gonna be an optimist about this? (part two)

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NOTES: Hi!! Ok, so I have a really epic soulmates fic on ao3 that will quite literally never see the light of day because it's never leaving ao3 or my docs app (and occasionally twitter)! Its also poly!boys but it's on the angstier, it gets worse before it gets better side of stories. (which is exactly what I said I wouldn't do because I once claimed it would be a "crackfic". second chapter and we already have angst, smh. It also gets, hmm, spicy? not like full on but there are make out scenes so. I suggest you catch me on ao3 to read that! my handle is forevernightfall, lovely chatting with you.

Ziva out.


[ 01:54 am ]

hotel zestyvania

Finney: wait so we're all dating right?

Griffin: fin…😔

Finney: its a genuine question 😭😭

Vance: yes, we're all dating

Bruce: ee no were not i h8 u guyz🤢🤢🤢

Billy: ooh ima have to show to that to gwen

Bruce: i mean i love you all so much youre my soulmates

Finney: puddy

Vance: u have a puddy

Finney: no resmly? i difnt know that u fucking idiot

Vance: that wad hot

Finney: oh.


[ 03:08 am ]

Robin: wouldnt it be crazy that if in some weird alternate universe we were all soulmates? like say soulmates are determined by marks/tattoos on someones body and we all had each others mark. do you guys think we wouldve accepted each other?

Billy: robin what the hell

Robin: ni tjink about it, would you guyd accept mw as your soulmate in that alternate universe?

Vance: id accept u all, youre mine

Griffin: wosh dont go around calling me yours , itll get me all hot and bothered

Vance: i hVe a cure for your hot and botheredness

Griffin: and whags that?

Vance: me ;)

Bruce: smooth

Robin: GUYS :(

Finney: im dure wded all accept u

Billy: thid is so weird

Griffin: just say you hate us and move on

Billy: im deeply in love with you guys

Bruce: DTOOPPPP im vlusbing 🤭🤭

Finney: that is so gay

Robin: finn, amor, we ARE gay

Finney: oh

Vance: …


[ 12:38 pm ]


Griffin: LMAO

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