And scene.

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The room is silent, tension fills the air. Everyone is looking at Gwen, who is looking at Finney.

“You need to undo this.” She remarks, her gaze never faltering. Everyone else looks over to Finney.

“Undo what?” He asks in a soft voice, innocence clear on his face.

“You know what.” Gwen leans back against the wall, her (Donna’s) pale pink hoodie slides off her shoulder. “This isn’t ethical. We deserve to rest.”

“I’m afraid I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Finney stands up, tucking his hands into the pockets of his sweats. Other-Finney shines through, having taken the reins. “I’m as much of a victim as the rest of you.”

“Do not victimize yourself!” She snarls. “You have no right to hold us prisoners.”

Other-Finney sighs, gazing at the boys in the room. “I think my dear sister has finally lost it. Really hoped she could be in my happily ever after, darn.”

Gwen freezes, her teeth gritted together.

Happily ever after.

Happily ever after.

Happily ever after.

“I’ll make sure to explain to Donna why you’re gone, dear Gwendolyn.” For a second, Here-Finney takes control but Other-Finney overpowers them. “I’ll make this as least painful as possible, don’t you worry Gwenny!” He coos.

He snaps.

She explodes.

The boys scream in terror, some start sobbing and Billy runs over to the door, banging on it and begging for help. Griffin reaches up and wipes the blood off his face. Bruce shakes as he collapses into Robin’s arms, screaming the word no over, and over again.

Vance stares at Here-Other-Finney.


“She posed a threat to his happiness. And besides, it was her time.” He smiles as he waves his hand, a small window appearing.


Gwen lays unmoving in her hospital bed, the monitor beeping, There-Finney is curled onto a chair, eyes closed and expression peaceful. He’s asleep.

Their dad is near the door, talking to a nurse and doctor. He looks tired and miserable as he nods his head. He runs a hand down his face and a sob wrecks his body, the nurse consoles him as the doctor steps into the room and closer to the machines. He does something— they can’t quite see what it was. But suddenly the annoying beeping turns into a flatline and they shut off the noise. The doctor covers Gwendolyn’s body with a sheet.

She’s dead.

There-Finney stays asleep during it all.

Terrence cries, kneeling by her bed and holding her hand, he apologizes again, and again.

He’s not sure she’ll ever forgive him.

He stumbles back as they begin to wheel her body out of the room, he covers his face with his hands. He can’t bear to look. His babygirl— gone.


“You did that.” Robin pipes up, voice filled with rage. “You killed her! You monster!”

“I did what was right!” Other-Here-Finney snaps back, hurt and betrayal on his face. It looks unnatural— unnerving.

“No. You did what was convenient for you.” Griffin whispers, shakily standing up. Tears pour down his face as he points an accusing finger at Other-Here-Finney. “You killed her because you’re a selfish, narcissistic, apathetic monster!”

Pompeii [ for you, the world ] (A The Black Phone Fic)Where stories live. Discover now