Bringing darkness from above

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NOTES: hey!! check out my ao3 !! they get these new chapters first, AND they get some exclusive stuff that I'm NOT posting on Wattpad!! so consider checking me out @ forevernightfall on ao3 ! much appreciated 👍

Private Messages [ Billy + Robin ]

Hey? Is Finney ok?
He hasn’t been to school in a while and I’m a bit worried
read at 12:19 pm

Oh, he’s just been gone for a while due to personal reasons
I’m sure he’ll tell you why sometime
read at 12:21 pm

If you’re sure, he hasn’t been answering me recently so I was worried
Could you tell him to answer me as soon as he is willing to?
Just really wanna hear from him to give myself peace of mind that he’s ok lol
read at 12:26 pm

Genuine question
Do you like… not check the news or smth??
Because like, if you did you would so know what’s happening… 😭
read at 12:28

No?? I will now though 😭
read at 12:29 pm
delivered at 12:35 pm


Grabbers Personal Hate Club

Treasurer has changed the group chat name

Fairies of Denver 🧚

Treasurer has changed three (3) names

Billiam: I'm gonna add Robin, Griffin, and Vance because Griffin and Robin have been worried about Finney, and I didnt want Vance to be left out

Spruce: I mean?? ok but f u because how am I supposed to rant now?? 😹😹

Princess: Wait i feel bad now 💔 they were worried sbiut me ??? 😭 i hope u now im crying now

Spruce: He is crying, snd wow. hes so pretty when cries what

Princess: Thanks?!😭

Billiam: Weirdo

Billiam has added three (3) users

Robin: Well hello 😀

Griffin: Thats… thats sure a name for a group chat ..

Princess: Robin, griff im supwr sorry fir making you guys worry shout me i swear im ok ill be fine itvwasnt even that vad yk vruce and billy showed up and hot to ke im sorry i made you guys worry pld forgive me oh my gof

Vance: Kid, you didnt MAKE anyone worry, they were worried cause they care about you and shit, they're soft like that

Robin: First of all, i am NOT soft. but Vance is right, i care about you, don't go dying on me <3

Griffin: Similarly, I give more than two shits about you Finney, of course I'm gonna worry about you when you go missing.

Billiam: Bruce, he's crying again isnt he

Spruce: lol yeah im judt do confused , does he not have snot ?? his nose is so red and so are his bottom lids and cheeks but like?? no snot or gross crying voice

Griffin: HOW. i woulf kill fir that oretty of a crying face

Vance: I would kill for you to have a pretty crying face too, its ugly as shit snd you have WAY too much snot

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