Where do we begin?

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NOTES: hi, ok, again im recommending checking out my ao3 — forevernightfall — because you get exclusive content, and even notes which usually tends to explain my thought process when writing these chapters. so. yeah. :).

Griffin woke up gasping for air, hands clawing at his sheets,he was drenched in sweat, his comforter laid sprawled on the ground, his hair was a wild mess that resembled a bird's nest. Pants forced themselves from his chest and his eyes were frantic as they flew around his room, a manic look in his eyes.

He couldn’t- He didn’t want- He can’t. Not anymore. He doesn’t understand what happened or why they all left him or- or why they broke their promise, but he does know that he needs them. He needs them like one needs oxygen because he can’t breathe without them and god fucking damnit he just wants his boys! Is that too much to ask for?

A shuddering sob escaped him, tears slowly making their way down his cheeks as he curled up, and fell onto his side. A quick glance at his clock told him it was four in the morning, it was way too early to deal with emotions. He just wanted a couple more hours of sleep.

A couple more hours of sleep before he had to sit and think about what he wanted for his future, and if he could really manage being with them after the dream. Before he had to think about relationships, and futures, and colleges, and feelings. He really could not handle that this early in the morning.

He muted his phone when calls and messages started pouring in, snuggling under his covers once more- where he was safe- he wiped his last few tears away as he drifted to a fitful rest with one last thought.

Was it worth it?


He was starting to get nervous. He’d already placed multiple calls to Billy and he had yet to receive an answer. What if something happened to him? Something like what happened back when they lived in that godforsaken town with those godforsaken men. He just wanted Billy to be safe.

He jumped up when a notification appeared on his phone. A new notification! Maybe it was Billy? It was Billy! As he slowly registered what the message said, [redacted] could feel his heart sink down, and down, and down. Did- did Billy really want out?

He couldn’t breathe, he couldn’t move, he couldn’t see- someone help him please. His heart stopped and [redacted] swore he saw his life flash before his eyes— but then there was a sudden influx of air in his lungs and he was coughing and his eyes were watering— and Billy wanted out.

Billy wanted out.

[redacted] fell to the ground, his hand grabbing his head as it spinned, and spinned, and spinned. Why did.. what happened.. Was it him? Was it his fault that Billy was turning his back on them? Was it because of [redacted]?

[redacted] really just wanted his mom. He just wanted a hug. With a harsh swallow, [redacted] picked up his phone, valiantly ignoring the wallpaper of his boys... and Billy. And god did that hurt. “And Billy”. Like he wasn’t his boy only thirty minutes ago.

It hurt.

He covered the pain with a mask.

He was fine.



super hot guys haha

Billy: hey, i’m really sorry about this and I know we’ve been dating since forever but, unfortunately, I think it’s we end our relationship, or at least, I end my relationship with you guys. We can still be friends if you guys would like. I just think it’s time I explore my relationships with other people. Romantic wise. Again, I’m sorry and i understand if you all want nothing to do with me. I’m breaking our 4 year promise and I understand if you guys are too hurt to keep our platonic relationship up.

Pompeii [ for you, the world ] (A The Black Phone Fic)Where stories live. Discover now