In your pose as the dust settled around us

183 5 5

NOTES: daily reminder to subscribe to my ao3 for exclusive works including deleted scenes from THIS fic! This book will end in three chapters, so I'm making the end as sad as possible :). I will make these boys go through it for shits and giggles.

AO3 - forevernightfall

Benny, out! <3


[ I N S T A G R A M ]

robinurheart → griffyshow

what college are you applying for?
[ 2 : 08 pm ]

probably new york law school, you?
[ 2 : 09 pm ]

im aiming for julliard but if not i
have the option of berklee, ive
already been accepted there so
[ 2 : 11 pm ]

we're not gonna be near
each other for college?
[ 2 : 15 pm ]

i mean, i guess not but its ok
we're following our dreams and
its not like we'll be breaking
up, we can make this work
[ 2 : 16 pm ]

yeah, youre right. so, music?
[ 2 : 18 pm ]

yeah, i wanna start a band or
something along the lines of
performing professionally
[ 2 : 20 pm ]

tell me more, robert
[ 2 : 21 pm ]

robinurheart has started a call


griffyshow → yamada_b

hey, do you know what
college you're thinking of
applying for?
[ 2 : 25 pm ]

Yale, for history yk, i find it very
interesting, and i def think its
something i wanna do in the future
[ 2 : 26 pm ]

[ 2 : 30 pm ]

yeah, what about you?
[ 2 : 31 pm ]

uh, new york law school
[ 2 : 32 pm ]

oh, we wont be near each other
[ 2 : 33 pm ]

[ 2 : 33 pm ]


yamada_b →v.hopper

hey, has ffin tected u
[ 2 : 40 pm ]

no, and ffin is such a
horrible nicknaem for
him when finney is right
there what r you doing
[ 2 : 56 pm ]

shut up. im worried about him
we were talking about colleges
and he kinda js shut down when
i said i was going to yale
[ 3 : 00 pm ]

holy shit, you got accepted?
[ 3 : 00 pm ]

YEAH! isnt that sick?
[ 3 : 00 pm ]

hell yeah, good job B
[ 3 : 02 pm ]

thanks V <3
[ 3 : 03 pm ]

Pompeii [ for you, the world ] (A The Black Phone Fic)Where stories live. Discover now