Does it almost feel like you've been here before?

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NOTES: Ok so I'm doing a Christmas mass upload where I'm updating old fics + uploading new fics BUT its ONLY on AO3 and therefore you should definitely go check me out on there because I  have some good damn ghost boys fics being posted on Christmas! I also write a lot of soulmates so yay :). Is the begging working? Please check me out, a lot of whats on there never makes it here so.

Fairies of Denver 🧚

King: guys.

King: help.

King: pls

1st Mate: whats wrong???

King: get finn and bruc onlen

1st Mate: ok??

King: ty

Princess: V??

Queen: van?? whats wrong?

King: so the gyy that kidnapped finney

Princess: what about him??

King: hes my dad🧍🏼‍♂️

Queen: WHAT

1st Mate: back up. what are you talking avout

King: so basically my mom recognized him when he showed up on the news and she managed to get in touch with him just so she could yell at him and call him a deadbeat father and an assprick a couple of times, she literally told me ten minutes ago

Princess: give me a second my mind is REELING

King: 🧍🏼‍♂️

Queen: its ok V we still love u 😘💕

King: not what i was worried about but ok

1st Mate: theres something ur not telling us

King: oh no i will tell u im just waiting for fin to calm down

Princess: im good

King: i tjink he mightve been stalking all of us and that qyite literally includes ur guys' younger sisteds and my mom

Queen: WHAT.


Princess: ur kifding right ??? brb gonna hug gwen and cry

King: literally wish i was joking but i got called into the police station and im not even kidding he had a whole ass photo album for each of us. he photoshopped some images to make it look like we were getting married to him.

Queen: he did that to you too?!?

1st Mate: but youre his son???

King: yeah ik , i threw up when i found out.

King: @Captain @Knight get your asses here rn

King: and van we meet up or sum i dong wanna be alone caude like what if he tries to contact le or whay if he wasnt working alone and soemone hw sfriendds witj is still stalking us

Princess: yeah let's meet up at mine , beuce brinh amy

Queen: k

1st Mate: ok if no one is gonna say I will. I will actually best someone up for you Vanve, if anyone tries anytjing uou gwll me and i WILL shed blood. but if it helps, we should all cjeck our houses for buhs and vameras

Pompeii [ for you, the world ] (A The Black Phone Fic)Where stories live. Discover now