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{Markus POV}

So Aniya is really done with me. I wasn't thinking when I cheated on her...I came home and she was fucking leaving. I really fucked up...my baby won't know it's dad. I gotta call her .I need her.

2 hours After Aniya left

I Got up out of bed to piss. I walked back to my bed and called Aniya. She answered on the 4th ring

Aniya: What Markus
Me: I just wanted to talk
Aniya: Why should I talk to you...
Me: Look sorry. Can we talk about this I messed up-bad.
Aniya: Ugh why should I Markus
Me: Cause I love you...please bae.
Aniya: Fine... only for this baby
Me: Okay meet me at Old Country Buffet
Aniya: Okay bye Markus
Me: I Love you

Aniya didn't say anything.. she just hung up. I walked into the bathroom and got in the shower. I got out 10 mins later. I rapped the towel around my waist and walked to my closet. When I was about to grab my stuff my phone buzzed. I looked at it and it was a friend request from Tiki Misfit it was the girl from the strip club I fucked. I forgot I told her to hit me up before I left. I accepted the request and continued getting ready. I grabbed my red leather pants, black timbs, black and red trukfit shirt. I put on my no worries hat and walked out my the house. I got to Old Country Buffet in like 6 mins. As soon as I walked in I saw Aniya on her phone.

"Hey..you look good".

"Markus don't fucking try to small talk...get to the point." Aniya said looking up from her phone.

"Okay look...I was in the wrong for snapping on you. I'm not mad at you being pregnant-Im mad cause you didn't tell me... and you tried to hide it at the bottom off the trash like im one of these dead beat ass niggas, you know me you know im better than that."

"Okay Okay whatever ".Aniya said

"Thank you soo much...I love you".

"Yea sure you done?"Aniya said looking irratated

"Im sorry for cheating baby girl I wasnt thinking". I said feeling really bad

"You did WHAT!" Aniya yelled. I didnt mean to tell her that it just kind of slipped out.

"fuck." I said under my breathe.

"Who is the bitch?" Aniya said putting her hands in her lap.

"I dont really know to be honest, I just know she a stripper and her name Name Tiki."

Aniya eyes got big a little and she hurried and went to her phone and showed me a picture

"THIS BITCH!" She whisper yelled

"Um yea... you know her?" I asked confused

"This the bitch that was talking about my dad and how I got raped and molested when I was in grade school." She said giving me a dirty look. She got up and left after that leaving me looking dumb.

{Nell's POV}

So yesterday was Ta'Je birthday and I threw a surprise party and we found out she got a fucking sister and brother. I took her to monkeys, gave her some D...nothing really SPECIAL.

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. I let out a sigh before before answering

Me: What mariyah?
Mariyah: Dad's not home.We need more food, we suppose to go shopping today but he doing over time-like usual but in hungry
Me: Okay what you want?
Mariyah: Um... Burger king crosanwhich.
Me: Okay I'm funna go get it.. bye
Mariyah: Thanks
Me: Ight im funna go it now
Mariyah: bet
Me: Okay bye.

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