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Venessa POV

I woke up to laughter and jumping on the bed. I looked up and CJ and Christian we're jumping in our bed yelling.

"Mawmi daddy get up." They chanted jumping around

"I'm up." I picked Christian and kissed him all over his face.

"Mommy I want kissy too." CJ said. I grabbed him and kissed him too.

"ME TOO." Ameria said popping out from nowhere. I gave her a kiss too.

I swear these kids where my life. My phone lit up and I looked and saw I had a text from my Mom

Mom- Hey nessa, you should come and see your mother.

I responded with Okay. I got up and walked to my little closet. I picked out my White and floral samoa Adidas, my peach colored jeans and my floral top that says "Forever" in white letters.

"Babe im going to go see my mom, Ill be back." I woke up Cyress up

"Mhhhm." Cyress groaned.

"Baby get up you have to watch the kids while im gone." I said putting my hands on my hip.

"Ok im up, where they at." Cyress sat up and streched.

"Get up and see." I grabbed my keys. I walked over to him and gave him a kiss.

"See you when I get back." I said walking out the bedroom door.

I walked out the door and got in my car. I pulled out the driveway and headed towards my moms house.

I stopped at the red light when I noticed that I needed gas.

The light turned green and I drove off. I got into the right lane and turned into the gas station. I grabbed my purse and grabbed a 20 dollar bill. I put my purse down and opened the door, I looked up at the pump number before going in the store.

"20 on 8." I said handing the woman my money.

She took it and I walked out and pumped the gas.

When I was done I got back in the car and headed to my mom house.

I pulled up to my mom's house and I saw My dads truck. I sighed and rolled my eyes.

I walked in the door and I walked to the kitchen. My mother was cooking lasagna, I can smell it.

"Hi mama." She turned around and looked at me.

"Hi baby." She said holding her arms out. I went in to give her a hug. When I was hugging her I noticed she had a gun on the counter.

"Mom..." I said picking the gun up "Why do you have a gun in the ki-" I was cut off by my mom gasping. I quickly turned around and just pulled the trigger without thinking.

My dad dropped to the floor. When he fell I saw he dropped a wet clothe and I saw a bottle that read "isoflurane"

I looked up at my mom who was on the ground crying.

"So you told me to fucking come over...so he - can drug me!" She looked up and didnt say anything.

"Answer me!" I said now pointing the gun at her.


I washed all the dishes from the breakfast we just had and I dried my hands off and picked up my phone and called Jayden.


"Hey." Jayden said

"Me and Aniya taking the kids to the beach, I want to pick up Joseph."

"Okay, he working my nerves anyways." Jayden sighed

"Okay get him ready and stuff, I'll be there in about 20 mins."

"Okay, bye."

"Bye." I said hanging up after

After I hung up the phone I walked up stairs and went in Ta'Niya room. I called Venessa but she didn't answer so I called Cyres.

"Aye Cyres, let me come pick up the twins...I'm taking the kids to the beach today." I said while slipping Ta'Niya shorts on.

"Okay..let me get them ready"


I hung up and picked up Ta'Niya. I grabbed her toys and the beach bag.

I walked downstairs and grabbed my keys from off the table, I walked through the kitchen and opened the garage door and I got into my beige escalade. I plugged my phone up and I started driving.

"Siri, call Toni." I said. It started ringing and Toni picked up

"Toni, let me take Tiana to the beach with me and the other kids." I said pulling up to a red light

"She over her daddy house...but you can go get her, she pose to come home today anyways."

" Whaat?? Daddy?" I asked seriously shocked.

"Yea the nigga gone pop up at my house, talking bout let me see my daughter, let her spend 2 days with me...and I told him he dont even know her god damn middle name but he wanna play daddy now but I ended up letting him take her.

"Thats crazy." I said pulling up to Jayden house

"Yea but I gotta work early so ima text you the asshole address."


With that Toni hung up. I got out the car and I opened the door for Ta'Niya,she unbuckled herself and got out. I grabbed her hand and we walked up to the door. She started knocking and I ran the door bell. The door opened and I looked at Jojoe before walking in the house.

"T.T!" I heard followed by little footsteps.

"Hey Joey." I said smiling.

"Hi cousin." Jo said looking at Ta'Niya

"Hey lil cus."Ta'Niya said hugging him. I instantly bussed out laughing. My daughter is a clown.

"Here girl." Jayden said while laughing. I looked up and Jayden was holding his Jake and The Never Land Pirates bag and his car seat.I took it and hugged her before walking out the door.

I put his seat in the car and I put Joey and Ta'Niya in the car. I pulled off and made my way to Aniya house.

I blew my horn and Aniya came out with Paris in her arms. She put Paris in her seat and Aniya climbed in the passenger seat


I walked into the house with Ta'Niya in my hand, Chinese food, her toys, and the wet towels.

"Bae, I need help." I called out

"You can say that again."

"Cornell Quit playing and help me with this stuff."

"Cornell not here." A figure came around the corner and it was someone that I thought I would never see again.

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