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9 Days Later


I woke up to a wet feeling in between my leg. I looked down and soon realized my water broke.

"Baby, wake up we gotta go." I said.

He moaned and turned over and woke right up

"I know yo big ass didn't piss in my damn bed bro."

"No my water broke you stupid fag." I said

He got up and grabbed my bag and the car seat and helped me down the stairs. He helped me in the car and put the car seat in the back.

At hospital

"Okay ma'am, you are only 3 centimeters dilated. So we will check on you every 30 mins or hour. When you have a really deep contraction, click this button." The doctor said.

5 1/2 hours later

"Push." Said my doctor.

I pushed again and I felt relief. I knew that my baby wasn't inside of me anymore but I didn't hear her cry. I was panicking.

"Whats wrong with my baby." I yelled out crying. Nobody said nothing to me. Soon my doctor came and said,

"Your daughter is alive. It's just she is having trouble breathing so she will have a breathing tube for about a week then we want you all to stay 4 days after we take the tube just to see how she does without it." My doctor said. I let a tear slide down my face.

"Hi, I'm here to take the baby's name." Said some white girl

"Ta'Niya Sharie Dason." Nell said.

"Thank you." Soon they brought my baby in and I held her as I stared and the tube coming from her nose. I just held her until I was dozing off and felt her being lifted from my arms by Nell.

11 Days Later

Today is the day I take my baby home. She has been taken off the breathing tube a week after she was born as they said. So she is doing good. I'm happy cause I get to take her home with me.

"Whenever you are ready, here are the discharge papers." My doctor said.I  tapped Nell and he signed them. I put her in her car seat and we walked out. I put her in the car and Nell pulled off. I started to think about my LIFE.

"I'm 17, I have a daughter and a boyfriend that stayed with me throughout everything. I have a best friend that I love. We been through it all together and-"

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Ta'Niya cry. I gave her her pacifier and she stopped crying. I looked up and we were home. I grabbed Ta'Niya and took her to her room. Once I got done situating her I walk you back me and Nell room.

I heard the shower going so I just sat on the bed and waited for him to come out. I went to check on Ta'Niya and she was still sleeping.

I walked back in the room and Nell was sitting on the bed, playing black ops. He looked like his feelings were hurt. I had an idea of what was wrong with him though.

I walked to my closet and grabbed my Pretty Gang shirt and some white shorts. I walked in the bathroom and hoped in the shower.

30 mins later

I got out and didn't see Nell. I put on my stuff then went to Ta'Niya room. I saw that Nell was holding her and talking to her. I stood by the door and smiled then I walked away to get dinner started. I decided to make lasagna. I got everything that was needed and I boiled the lasagna pasta. Nell went into the game room and smoked.

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