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2 Months Later

Aniya POV

"This chicken gone be good...hurry and cut them potatoes." Markus said

I started to feel pains again. I knew it was contractions, but I'm only 31 weeks so I didn't want to have my baby now. I got snapped out my thoughts when one really really bad one came which cause me to drop the knife. Markus looked up from his phone and ran over to help me.

"Ima take you to the car then ima go get the hospital bag." Markus said. He took me to the car and ran inside and came right out.

"How long has it been going on".Markus asked

"About 3 hours." I said in pain

I felt the car move faster. Soon we was at the hospital and I was in the bed.

"Ma'am your having this baby now." Said the doctor

"Okay on three push,1,2,3 push ".Said the doctor.

15 minutes later

I pushed one last time, I heard a cry and a smile spread across my face.

"Its a girl!"Said the doctor. Putting her on the scale.

The doctor looked at me and said "is it correct you were only 31 weeks?"

I looked up and nodded my head confused. "Why?" I questioned

"She quite a big girl to not be full term, 7 pounds 9 ounces but we must take her to confirm she's well enough to survive on her own without the help of intensive care. I wouldn't worry though she's what we call moderately premature. But before we do so what will you name her Ms.Maston?"

I looked at Markus and he said

"Paris Marie Maston." That is a cute name... I can't believe he gave her my last name.

I smiled and signed the papers and they took her away. I decided I would call my best friend now and tell her the news

"Hello?" She picked up

"Paris Marie Maston is here." I said with a smile on my face

"You had the baby already? Oh my god im on my way!"

With that Ta'Je hung up. I called my mom and told her but she not coming.

After I got done with making calls the brought my baby girl back and confirmed she was a healthy early baby girl. And that's all I wanted.

Markus POV

I was sitting in the hospital chair with Paris in my hand when I got a text update on Tiki.

Doctor Hall: Ms.Eps has been showing signs of gaining conscienceness. If she gains conscienceness as you know she can deliver the baby on her own.

I looked at the text and locked my phone and laid back in the chair and closed my eyes.

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