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𝗝𝘂𝗹𝘆 𝟮𝟳, 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟴

" what is that?" Davina asked

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" what is that?" Davina asked." believe it or not it's mom's Notes. I'm guessing she gave it to her friend Caroline to put it in the school.." hope said." why would mom do that?" She asked.

" no idea, but she only gave her the notes on her time in Mystic Falls, and no, not the one when she got pregnant." Hope said and they nodded.

" hope you look different." Elijah said, looking at her. Everyone looked at hope." he's right you do look different." Katherine said." I was hoping you would notice.." she said, showing her vampire eyes, and they all looked at her.

" hope you die!" Davina yelled out." how the hell did this happen?" She asked." I killed myself in a lake." She said casually before sitting down on the couch." why would you do that?" Stefan said." well, I need to find mom, even if it takes centuries to do that, so I turned myself." She said.

" hope, please tell me you did not trigger your cursed." Davina said and she shook her head no." I learned self-control. I haven't killed any human yet, so I'm just a witch vampire now." Hope said.

" once we find mom, we will talk about this." Davina said and hope rolled her eyes." so what have you found?" Marcel asked." well, I started reading from the beginning, and I found something strange." Hope said showing them the same dragon symbol.

" that's the dragon symbol." Davina said before reading in the book." yeah so I continue to read further, and I might know where this clan is." Hope said.

" and where is it?" Diego asked looking Davina's shoulder to see the notes." they could be in New Jersey. Mom could be there.." hope said." well, I guess that's a lead we can follow up on." Elijah said.

" yeah, but I still don't know why they would take her in the first place she doesn't exactly tell us. All I know is that she knew she was going to be taken one day so she gave these notes to Caroline." Hope said.

" what I guess we're going to New Jersey." Marcel said and they nodded." this time I'm gonna be going. I can get one of my neighbors friends to watch Noah." She said.

" great we should all leave in a day top." Hope said and Davina stopped her." oh, no, you're not going anywhere young lady." She said." what why." Hope asked." well it start with you. Ran away twice you've been almost everywhere trying to follow up on the lead of mom. You didn't even get to mention that you killed yourself so why should I trust you to come along with us?" Davina said.

" maybe you shouldn't underestimate me, ever since I became a vampire have been very good at it I know self-control I know how to find mom." Hope said.

" maybe hope should come." Elijah said." no offense Elijah but you have no right to help at all since you did leave us a few years ago." Davina said." don't talk to him like that. At least he tried to find mom and what were you doing oh yeah, you were raising your perfect little family while mom was suffering." Hope said angrily.

" excuse me, young lady. I have done nothing but help this family so you should be grateful." Davina said." I'll be grateful when I have my mom in my arms again." Hope said.

" so you can punish me, ground me, lock me up in my room, but we both know I'm stronger than you, in magic and in strength. So I suggest you back down because I am not that little girl anymore." Hope said, everyone watch the two sisters as they argued.

" you really think I'm that terrible." Davina said and hope kept quiet." fine, you can come, but if we do find something you better hope to be prepared for it." Davina said before leaving.

" that was cold hope." Katherine said." she needed to hear what I had to say. She always try to keep me quiet, but I'm through with that." Hope said." Hope she's just trying to look after you." Marcel said.

" well, I don't need it, now if you excuse me, I have to go get packed." Hope said before leaving." I'll go talk to her.." Elijah said before leaving.

He knocked on the hope's door and walked in to see her packing her things in her suitcase.

" if you come to tell me to apologize to my sister, don't even bother." Hope said." no I didn't. I come to tell you about your mother." He said and she looked at him.

" about what." She asked." about you." He said and sat on her bed." Look I know you and Davina aren't on good terms, but your mother wouldn't want that. your mother risked everything for you two have a good relationship." He said and she looked down.

" I heard that everyone has been showing you memories I would like to show you one." He said and she nods. He grabbed her head before pulling her into a memory.


" hey are you sure you don't want me to go with you." Elijah asked coming into her room." it won't be a great idea letting Flora's murderer attend her funeral." She said chuckling. I'll be fine." She said and he sighs kissing her on the head." I love you, you know that right." He said and she turns to him." Of course I do and I love you." She said before kissing him on the lips. Amelia slightly jumped when she felt the baby kick she smiled.

" she's awake." Amelia said as Elijah put his hand on her belly and smiled to feel the baby's kick." She sure is." He said before standing up." I better get going." She said and he nodded." Be safe." He said." I will." She said before walking out the door.


" what was that?" She asked." your mother fought to protect you from her own sister. Your mother risked making allies with her enemies to save Davina. That's how much she loves both of you." He said.

" you and your sister was almost killed multiple times by your own family because of your existence that's is what you two have in common. The thing different between you two is that she remembers all of it. So maybe try to see the world in her eyes." He said before getting up.

" think about what I said." he said before leaving, Hope looked down before continuing packing. She wanted to apologize but she was stubborn like a Mikaelson.

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