|~𝕥ꫝꫀ ᠻꫀꫀꪶડ~|

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As soon as Akane and Aoi got to his house, his parents seemed to just... create themselves out of thin air.

Akane's house was surprisingly (at least for Aoi) big, and had many rooms, lots containing pictures of the parents, none of their child too much. But the occasional family photo was shown here and there.

"Hey, uh, Aoi. These are my parents. Since the last name is kinda awkward, you can just call them Cassandra and Devonte. I never call them that but y'know..."

Aoi turned to Akane as he said this, letting it sink in. He never called his parents by their real names, but it didn't seem like he called them mom, dad, mother, father, or any of those things.

Something was clearly wrong.

She decided to let it pass, saving the investigating for later. It was important to focus on the parents, since she actually wanted an internship at their company, and she had wanted this for a long time now.

"Hello Mrs. Cassandra and Mr. Devonte. Pleasure to meet you." Aoi bowed, and said this in a sweet and sunny way.

They both smiled, and bowed as well.

"Pleasure to meet you too, Ms. Aoi. Akane talks rather much about you." "In fact, it's all he talks about!"

Cassandra glares at her husband, telling him with a look to cut it out.

Akane turned a light pink and fumbled with his steel blue coat strap.

Aoi smirked a little at him and proceeded to say, "Oh, how lovely, all good things I hope?"

"Why, of course, all good thi-"

"He says pretty much better than all good things." Whispers Devonte, in a very carrying whisper.

"Mhm. Like the one time he ranted on about her, AND I QUOTE, long silky dark purple hair. Just because I needed to sleep in his room that night..." A voice comes from the hallway.

A small boy pops up, an annoyed look on his childish face. This young boy appears to be Akane's younger brother.

"Ohmygod, SHUT UP Akira!"

Akane groaned, ushering his brother away into the living room, away from Aoi and his parents. The group in the front hallway (discluding Akane) erupts into small bursts of laughter.

Once Akira has been successfully removed from the room, Akane sighed and leaned slightly against Aoi, putting a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

Everyone is smiling now, including Akane. Probably just because Aoi's smiling, perhaps? But he is human, not just a machine made to love her. He is good at that though.

"Okay, okay, you've seen how pretty she is, moving on, are you staying for dinner?" Akane asked her politely.

Aoi decided to ask her parents if she could stay, and they approved, given they were on another business trip with Nene's parents.

"I'll stay," Aoi told Akane, "if you want we can have a sleepover too."

He turned lightly pink, but brushed it away quickly.

"Oh, uh, sure! Besides it's pretty stormy out there..."

As he had said, it had gotten rather dark and thundery outside, which Aoi hated.

Well, she liked the rain, but the thunder? Oh hell no.

Hi m8's
Sorry this chapter is bad, I didn't have much idea for this one
The picture I included of them was the rain chapter inspo
Cute right?
Anyways might make another chapter, feeling better about this book :)
Have a wonderful day/night/afternoon/morning!
Feel free to comment if you want :]
Word count (not including this): 600 words

𝕊𝕋𝔸ℝ𝕊 𝕊ℍ𝕀ℕ𝕀ℕ𝔾 𝕄𝕆𝕆ℕ 𝔹ℝ𝕀𝔾ℍ𝕋 (AOIKANE)Where stories live. Discover now