Oneshot: Get Together Already!!

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Aoi Babysitter AU

(I'm making all the requests this one lovely viewer requested bc I now have someone to read these :D) (ALSO I HAVE A NEW AOIKANE SPOTIFY PLAYLIST AND IF ANYONE WANTS THE LINK LMK)

Narrator POV

Aoi walked towards the house, fidgeting with the hem of her dress. The time had come for her to babysit, once again, it was her full-time job! This was her 3rd time sitting for Mr. Akane. (A/N: sorry I'm wrong with the name thing so she calls him Mr. Akane regardless bc I'm lazy 🤌🏽) She rang the doorbell and waited.

Akane opened the door and smiled at her after running a hand through his shaggy yet well-kept hair.

"Good to see you, Ms. Aoi. Mirai is waiting for you in her room, I'll also be here, I just have lots of work, the economy, you know.." He chuckled and bowed, Aoi did the same.

Making her way upstairs, Aoi saw the purple tulips in the crystal vase. Her favorite! Although, usually it had daisies in it, Mr. Akane's girlfriend's favorite flower... what happened? Deciding to ignore it, she knocked on Mirai's door, then opened it.

Mirai was running around her room like some sort of strangely large and humanoid airplane.

"Aoi!! You're here!! Have you seen Ms. Maid? She said that-"

Aoi put a finger on Mirai's lips and sighed happily.

"Mirai, you must hush! Mr. Akane is working and we mustn't disturb him!"

She nodded and kept springing up and down, but finally, she got tired and went to accessorize her outfit. Mirai loved all the hair clips, bracelets, and necklaces Ms. Maid had made for her. It saved Mr. Akane quite a lot of money, and the maid loved making them, so it was a win-win.

Aoi quite admired Mr. Akane. She immensely admired how shiny his hair was. She admired his generosity. She admired his beautiful eyes. She admired everything about him.


"O-oh, sorry Mirai, where did you want to go?"

"The park!"

"Which one?"

"...the one with the park?"



"There are like 4 parks near here. Which one?"

"Oooohhhhh, the one with the trees!"

"...Mirai, all of the parks have trees."

"Uhhh... the one with the glowy trees?"

"Alright, let me just see if the weather is good."

"Your no fun Aoi."

"What do you mean? Of course, I am!"

Mirai stuck her tongue out, crossed her arms, and turned away from Aoi.

"I'm plenty of fun, Mirai, I have no idea what you're talking about!"

"I think Ms. Maid can tell, Aoi." Mirai's expression turned into one that looked like she might be teasing.

"W-whatever do you mean, Mirai?" Aoi was blushing madly, is it what she thought it was...?

"She can tell that!-"

A loud knock came on the door, then it opened, revealing Mr. Akane and Ms. Maid. Immediately, Aoi curtsied, in a matter of politeness, you see.

"Please, you don't have to bow, Ms. Aoi." He laughed, and took her hand in his own, holding it gently.

Almost instantly, a hot feeling crept up into Aoi's cheeks, causing her brain to just... shut down, in a way. Mr. Akane was holding her hand! If you can't tell, she's pretty thrilled about this. After all, she may not admit it, but she does fangirl a ton over him. I mean, who wouldn't? He's cute AND respectful!

Akane was oblivious to Aoi's reaction, but Mirai and Ms. Maid most definitely did. They both saw how Aoi's eyes lit up whenever he walked into a room, but so did his. So now they both knew they were in a double-sided "I don't think they like me" situation.

And you know how terrible those things usually end up, one of them dies and the other lives in eternal dread, blah blah blah.

However, I don't think we'll follow the stereotype this time. I'll just pull different strings.

Now, you see, the group went along to the park (finally good god, what's it been, 30 paragraphs since Mirai asked to go?) and thankfully the weather was fairly good. About 25 minutes into their visit, Ms. Maid took Mirai to the corner of the park with the playground, letting Aoi and Akane have a moment to chat.

They each kept stealing glances at each other but looking away quickly, not wanting to let the other see they were staring.

"This is silly, isn't it?"

Akane chuckled softly, finally resting his gaze on Aoi and not looking away.

"What do you mean, sir?"

"Please, don't call me sir. Makes me feel old. We're the same age after all." He smiled widely and put his hand on Aoi's. "You can just call me Akane, darling."

Aoi blushed, how could she not?! In her opinion, and maybe a few others, he was literally the dream guy of every story!!

He was respectful, handsome, he has a big hole and a big heart, and he'd love you to the moon and beyond!

"Okay then, Akane it is. What did you think was so silly?" She smiled and tried to contain her vivid blush.

"This. I can obviously tell your charmed by me, but I've been smitten by you. Your kindness. Your energy. Your passion. Your looks too, mind." He grinned happily at her. She was confused, was he returning her feelings?!

"W-what about your fiancé, sir? Aren't you and her supposed to be getting married soon?"

"Ex-fiancé, if you will. Too arrogant for my tastes, and too high maintenance. She also spent a good lot of my money."

It all started to piece together in Aoi's mind, as she took in the words he'd said.

"So you... like me?"

"Yes I suppose that's what I'm saying."

"Huh. That's something I wasn't expecting to hear today."

Akane scooted closer to Aoi, smiling.

"Not a bad thing to hear though, right?"


And so, with that, they leaned into each other and kissed. It was bliss for both of them, like they'd never felt before. They both kissed for a few more minutes before breaking apart, looking happily content.

"I suppose this means we're together now?"

"I guess it does. Do I still have to call you Akane."

"Of course, you can occasionally call me other things too, but I enjoy hearing you say my name."

They both giggled a little bit, and talked for a while until Mirai and Ms. Maid got back.

"I swear to god Mirai, make one more Mean Girls reference and I am going to not give you anymore of my homemade ice cream. Ever." Ms. Maid looked down at Mirai, a grimace on her face.

"Ffiiinnnnneeeee. Hey dada, is Ms. Aoi my mommy now?"

Akane laughed and scooped Mirai into his arms into a hug.

"Yes, yes she is."

"Finally. Now let's go home, it's getting late and I'm not in the mood to watch you two smooch anymore." Ms. Maid smiles, looking amused.


oh also, should I make a separate book for the one-shots? the smutshot is next, but that won't take as long bc I'm back for a while hehe :3 SORRY AGAIN LOVES <333

words: 1,200 :D

𝕊𝕋𝔸ℝ𝕊 𝕊ℍ𝕀ℕ𝕀ℕ𝔾 𝕄𝕆𝕆ℕ 𝔹ℝ𝕀𝔾ℍ𝕋 (AOIKANE)Where stories live. Discover now