|~^ Memories and Happy Thoughts ~^|

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B4 we start, srry for the delay, lack of motavation and the usual... anyways, extra long chapter!!!

As the days crept by, Akane knew not whether Aoi was feeling better or worse. She looked as amazing as ever, and yet something was different about her aura these days. What was it?

Yamabuki had said he'd "taken care" of Akuia. Akane didn't know what that meant either, but he hoped Akuia was gone for good. Yamabuki assured him he would never set foot into the city again, thank god.

It was a snowy morning, and Aoi had woken up earlier because of a bad dream, where Akuia came back and she lost Akane forever. She wanted to sleep longer, but it was lonely and cold in her room, despite her many blankets. She knew where to go, but was frankly a bit embarrassed to do so. Deciding she didn't care, she took a deep breath and stood up from her bed. Aoi opened the door, and walked slowly down the hallway.

She reached Akane's door in a shorter amount of time than usual, and didn't bother to knock. Quietly, Aoi opened the door, and her eyes fell upon the ginger she was looking for. He was still asleep, she could tell. The cold was getting to her, and her stomach felt awkward, so she closed the door behind her and headed towards him.

He was very warm, she thought. Like a heated blanket. Aoi found herself dragging his arms around her, like a hug. She did the same to him, and peacefully ran a hand through his hair. It was fluffy, like she imagined. Even better, if possible. Lying there, she realized, in the heat of the moment, why she had gotten this... sickness. She wanted to end it, so she knew who to go to.

Not yet though. The moment was perfect, and comforting. All was still, and she felt amazing. Slowly, the soft pleasure of sleep found her, and she fell asleep in Akane's arms.



(Akane's POV)

That dream was amazing, it was amazing indeed. Why, though, can I still hear a second heartbeat? Wasn't that my dream? It's warmer than usual...

Aoi?! What is she doing here? Was she here last night? Did- No, Akane, stop...

"Mmph... I don't wanna wake up nowwww..." I heard Aoi mumble, probably feeling me wake up.

"We have to... My mom is gonna kill us if we don't get ready in time for her little Christmas party..."

"But we're just fine here Nay..." Aoi's voice trailed off, as she became more conscious by the moment. The doctor's potion, if you can believe, was still in place, not that Akane knew of course.

He sighed and lay back down, draping his arms around her once again, as though in a protective stance. Aoi leaned in closer his warm figure, and sort of hummed in satisfaction. Akane simply couldn't believe that his childhood and current crush, was in the same bed as him! No pervert thoughts, just fluff. The moment was perfect, and both of them had edged closer, faces inches apart when-


Akane's doors to his room bursted open, and there, as expected, stood his mother.

"Sorry to ruin this extremely perfect moment, but, as you might've heard, this Christmas party is happening. So, please, get dressed before the other guests get here."

She left almost immediately, shutting the doors behind her. Akane sighed, and knew he would have a chance soon to have a friendly moment like this again with Aoi soon. The two got out of the bed, stretching and yawning.

"Okay, Aoi, you should go get dressed. Then we can head downstairs together, alright?"

He chose his words carefully, knowing he needed to be specific. After a lengthy time, they finally went downstairs for Akane's moms random Christmas party.

𝕊𝕋𝔸ℝ𝕊 𝕊ℍ𝕀ℕ𝕀ℕ𝔾 𝕄𝕆𝕆ℕ 𝔹ℝ𝕀𝔾ℍ𝕋 (AOIKANE)Where stories live. Discover now