|^~ Red Flowers And Despair ~^|

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3rd Person POV

"Oh, no no no, she's not my girlfriend," Akane nervously laughed.

"Hm, I see." The nurse smiled, taking out a clipboard.

"By the way, where ish she by the way? Aoi, I mean."

"She's in the hospital, Kaney. She got the love flower sickness." A squeaky voice comes from, once again, the shadows.

It's his sticky brother, Akira, once again appearing from his spot in the shadows. Who does he think he is now, freaking Batman?

"What happened to her?" Akane whispers to the nurse, now applying 14 layers of hand sanitizer onto her clean looking hands.

"We had to give her the... the uh... the anesthesia juice."

The Boy tilted his head in utter confusion, staring at her.

"The sleep injections, you see," The nurse sighed, gesturing for him to get up. "She was huddled in a corner, coughing up blood and small amounts of flower petals. Luckily it's not too bad yet..."

Just as Akane got up, he was almost pushed to the floor by his little brother, who had ran and jumped off a chair onto Akane's torso. For some reason.

"I'm her nurse as well, by the way," The lady confirmed, shining a little smile. "If you'd like to see her, we can set something up for you soon."

This overwhelming news came all at once. The hanahaki disease!? Anesthesia Injections?!l

"If you'd excuse us, me your annoying little- uh, darling little brother are going to have a little chat in the other room, okay?"

Akane nodded, and relaxed. Things had been going so well, but now everything seemed to spiral out of control.

"The doctors said we can actually visit her soon," Gakuen muttered, "Y'know, Aoi."

Aoi? Yes, Aoi. How lovely she is, Akane thought, and thinks. Like a lovely lavender flower, swaying in the moon mist. Where had he gotten that? How poetic, don't you think?

"Yeah. Let's do that." Akane mumbled, thinking of Aoi's soft purple hair.

"Children," they heard her call from the other room. "Akira, here, uhm, slipped! Yes, and he got quite hurt. You can go now if you'd like!"

Blissful peace filled Akane. He was going to see Aoi!

Time Skip And At The Hospital
*Akane's POV*

As we walked through the front doors of the hospital, I was worried, but still excited! Seeing Aoi was like a serotonin stimulant for me! She's so pretty...

"Oh- you're so funny Akuia-sama!"

That's Aoi's voice, but whose she...?

It's the new guy from class. Akuia Akasen. A dreadful cold fills me, that I cannot describe. It stabbed most near my heart.

She was laughing at his joke. Enjoying his company. Hugging him. Fluffing his hair.

𝕊𝕋𝔸ℝ𝕊 𝕊ℍ𝕀ℕ𝕀ℕ𝔾 𝕄𝕆𝕆ℕ 𝔹ℝ𝕀𝔾ℍ𝕋 (AOIKANE)Where stories live. Discover now