|~Just Love Me!~|

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Hello Loves hope your having a good day/night <3

*Akane's POV :]*

Its been years and she still hasn't fallen for me. I really don't get it because im very very charming in every way!

I mean, surely I am, right? My mom has always said I'm a handsome boy, and my dad said I've been shaping up to become a good man.

And my brother? Well i don't really care what he thinks, but he's called me cool a couple of times, which is pretty nice.

However, Aoi has never given me a single chance! Not that I can remember at all to tell the truth...

Surely I'm a little bit charming, I mean girls have said I was cute and like able in the past, so why not now? Why not when I finally have a girl I want to like me back?

And even if I do tell her I like her, and she actually does like me back, how do I tell her that I'm one of the seven wonders of the school? And if all that does happen, will she even believe me?

This is so tiring... since when did thinking become so gosh damn hard? Back in the elementary days, I could've thought about doing  many different things for hours!

Now all I can think about is aoi.. not that I don't like that though! But it's not all good. I can't stop thinking about how she'll move on... and I'll never be able to go on with her.

How many melatonin have I taken now? It's probably far too many... they taste pretty good though, so it's probably not even a proble-

(3rd Person POV)

Akane lazily opens his eyes, taking in his surroundings. He appears to be in some sort of sanctuary, or perhaps a hospital?

"Oh, good, your awake. How do you feel?" A nurse with dark burgundy hair is smiling down at Akane, looking him up and down as though scanning him.

"F- fine. I'm fine. How long was I knocked out?" He mutters, running a hand through his hair.

"About a week. Your friends are in the sanctuary dorm, shall I fetch them?"

"Sure, uh yeah. Sure."

Ah, so that's where he was. The Kamomo Sanctuary. Usually a healing place for patients after being rejuvenated at the nearby hospital.

"AAAAA YOUR OKAY AKANE!" Gakuen almost screams as he runs toward Akane sobbing lamely.

"I'm sorry young man, we cannot have you over exciting Akane here-"

"How do you know my name?" Akane suddenly interrupts the nurse.

"Oh, from your mom," the woman softly grins, "she oh so kindly told me about you and your little girlfriend, Aoi, was it?"


𝕊𝕋𝔸ℝ𝕊 𝕊ℍ𝕀ℕ𝕀ℕ𝔾 𝕄𝕆𝕆ℕ 𝔹ℝ𝕀𝔾ℍ𝕋 (AOIKANE)Where stories live. Discover now