|~ꫝⅈડ ꫝⅈᦔᦔꫀꪀ 𝕥ꫝꪮꪊᧁꫝ𝕥ડ~|

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Warning, EXTREME FLUFF AHEAD (Aoi's POV btw)

The storm had gotten worse.

The child named Akira, Akane, and me are watching movies. Well Akane and I were, but Akira was on the stickiest iPad I have probably ever seen.

It was about 11:30 when the movie ended.

"You guys better get to bed. Besides, tomorrow is the last day before break!" Akane's Mom said, taking a blanket from the couch and heading down a dark hallway towards what I think is her and Akane's father's room.

"Hey, are you okay Aoi?" Akane asks me putting a hand to my forehead and leaning in a bit closer.

Up close he was pretty cute, I will admit.

"O-oh, yeah. My legs just feel a bit weird. It's nothing."

If I had told the truth, I would've told him everything. I would tell him everything, but no one can see me as weak. Just because little miss Yoni Curio and her little boyfriend student council president guy cornered me more than twice just to beat me up doesn't mean I'm capable of defending myself.

"Nah, here just let me-"

Next thing I know he just... scooped me up. Like nothing. How the heck is he so strong? I thought he could barely lift a box of crayons! He just seemed so... eh...

"You okay Aoi? Your face is kinda red. Do you have a fever?"

Oh. I guess I didn't think about that part did I?

"I- I probably don't it's probably just..."

I didn't know what to say, I've never been lifted up in someone's arms! ESPECIALLY BRIDAL STYLE!

"C'mon Aoi, I'll take you to my room..."

On second thought this isn't too bad. Oh no, suddenly my legs are broken! Boo hoo, now he'll have to carry me forever! >:D

"You two lovebirds are lucky. There's only two beds, and I have no desire to sleep on the floor so..."

Akane's Mother appears out of his doorway holding a pillow and a thermometer. She must've heard Akane.

Wait. Two beds. That means-

"Mom, weren't there more than two beds originally?"

Wow, I thought he just would've went with it! How incredibly sweet of him.

"Mmm... yes, there were! We sold the mattress though, forgot we didn't have an extra one... guess you'll have to share a bed!"

His mom shrugs and smiles kindly, walking away without a care.

Akane let out a small sigh through his teeth, however I could see a small excited grin through his fake expression.

"Are you uh... okay with this?"

"Yeah! Yeah no uh, totally." He takes a deep breath trying to act chill.

Not like I'm gonna complain that we have to share. It's a shame I couldn't get my own bed though.

Akane sighs and takes me into the room, lying me down on- well uh, his bed. This is kinda awkward.

"Try and get some sleep. I'll be back in a bit."

My simp side of my brain is saying "YEBSDWEDd he's hot Aoi JUST LET THIS PLAY OUT!!!" Then the actually sensible side is saying "WORRY ABOUT WHAT HE WEARS TO SLEEP" I didn't think about that. What does he wear to sleep?!

"Don't worry hun. You'll be fine. One, he literally wears a plain red t-shirt and shorts to sleep, and he hasn't even had his first kiss yet."

Akane's mom assured me, peeping through his bedroom door. She then waves happily and closes the door gently, leaving Aoi alone with Akane in the bedroom for the rest of the night.

Hi sorry this took so long :(
I tried my best but I really don't know how to write in Aoi's pov :[
I hope you enjoyed this chapter even though this is prolly the worst one 😍
Word count: 618 words

𝕊𝕋𝔸ℝ𝕊 𝕊ℍ𝕀ℕ𝕀ℕ𝔾 𝕄𝕆𝕆ℕ 𝔹ℝ𝕀𝔾ℍ𝕋 (AOIKANE)Where stories live. Discover now