Grew up 1/2(Gandalf )

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I didn't like this so i re made it :)

The company of Oakenshield where confused to say the least.

Here you where a small child no older than what 5 mabey?

Wandering around the woods in weird and bright cloths.

"What's yer name lass?" Balin asked knelling down a little."{y/n}"

The voice came out as a mutter but the old dwarf smiled at you and patted your head.

"It's lovely to meet y'a {y/n} my name is Balin do you know where your parents are?" He asked the small child,

Wide eyes stairs at the group as they all watched the young human child with mix reaction.

"You have a funny name mr Balin " they laughed before turning to Gandalf.

"You look like  a wizard are you a wizard "{y/n} asked as they walked closer to him.

Gandalf smiled and knelled down

"Your not from here my child are you" his voice was soft and came.

"No why are we in a woods I was running around the park with my mum and dad and some how im here "{y/n} when on about how they ended up in middle earth.

"They will stay with us until I can find a way for them to get home and that final "Gandalf spoke looking at thorin to say that was the end of it.

So I'm they went the company of Oakenshield and it's new member.

The group took it in turns to watch over the small human getting to know them bit by bit until they had reached the gray mountains.

"Lass "thorin called out to the small child whom looked up at the king.

"You are to stay here with kill " thorin was ready to leave when you spoke


The rest of the company stoped what they where doing and turned to watch the six year old talk back to the king.

"No what do you mean no?" He asked

"I'm not staying here you promise not to leave me until we found a way for me to go home so I'm going "they had to amit for a six year old you where stubborn.

"{y/n} I found a way for you to go home" Gandalf said walking back into the room.

"I don't want to though"you said eyes begging to water. You had come to love it here.

Gandalf exspainf that you would have only been gone for an hour at most back in your own world.

The wizard used his magic to crate a portrait.

"Will I get to come back here?" You asked holding the wizards hand as he lead you through the portal.

"I promise my dear that after the war I'll re open the portal and you can come back any time " he smiled as you wave good bye the the company.

"Bye I'll miss you all" you shouted as the portal closed up.

"Their all grown up now" Balin said smiling as the grip on his sword lossend a bit.

"Aye they have " Darwin smiled.

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