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Before long morning came. Xena awoke to see Gabrielle looking through their packs. She sat up.


Gabrielle didn't say anything. She got what she was looking for and went over to the campfire. Gabrielle began cooking.

So what's for breakfast?

Again Gabrielle remained silent. Xena was becoming very concerned about Gabrielle's behavior. Something was clearly very wrong. Xena needed to get to the bottom of this. She got up and sat across the campfire from Gabrielle.

So you wanna tell me what's bothering you.

Gabrielle gave Xena a mean look. But she didn't say anything.

Gabrielle you've been acting different since last night. Please talk to me. What's going on?

Finally Gabrielle spoke.

You really insist on acting like you don't know.

Xena tried to think of anything that she could've done to make Gabrielle so upset. But she couldn't come up with anything. Certainly nothing that would warrant this strong of a reaction.

I'm sorry I don't. Please just tell me what's going on. I'll do whatever I can to fix this.

You make it sound so simple.

Maybe it won't be. But I won't know unless you tell me.

Xena could see Gabrielle was fighting back her tears as she sat there. Clearly whatever it was that was bothering her was quite serious.

Gabrielle, please.

Gabrielle took a deep breath to calm herself before she spoke.

I guess you didn't notice me then. Well that makes sense. I suppose you were pretty distracted. Plus I'd assume you wouldn't have done that if you had.

Done what?

Xena noticed that her asking that seemed to anger Gabrielle. Finally Gabrielle just stood up and yelled.

Fine if you insist on doing this I'll just come right out and say it! Last night I saw you Xena! I saw you with someone else!

Gabrielle looked down as she lowered her voice.

(sad tone) I just wanna know why. Please, Xena.

Xena was stunned by Gabrielle's words. What was she talking about?

With someone else?

Xena quickly got up and walked over to Gabrielle.

Gabrielle if you're saying what I think you are, why would you even think that? I would never betray your trust in that way. You mean the world to me. I could never.

Stop denying it. I saw you with my own eyes.

Xena put her hands on Gabrielle's shoulders as she looked right into her eyes.

Gabrielle I swear to you with everything I have, that I did not do anything with anyone else. I don't know what you think you saw, but the only person I was with last night was you. And there's no one else I would ever want to share my bad with. I promise you.

Gabrielle looked at Xena with a confused look on her face.

What are you saying Xena? We went together last night.

Are you losing your memory.? Because as I recall you were quite enthusiastic after returning from getting your water.

Xena I was not with you last night. I went to get the water, then when I come back that's when I saw you with someone else.

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