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Xena held Gabrielle as she tried to stop the bleeding from Gabrielle's wound. Callisto stood over them watching as Xena tried to save Gabrielle. She smiled.

Ah, the look on your face right now. I honestly never thought I could feel this level of happiness. I almost forgot what it felt like.

Xena remained silent as she focused her attention on Gabrielle.

Aww, what's wrong Xena? Nothing to say?

Xena glared at her for a moment, then returned her attention to the task at hand. She looked around for something that could help. Xena took Gabrielle's hand and put it over her wound.

Gabrielle, keep pressure on that until I find something that I can use it bandage you up.

Gabrielle nodded as Xena gently brushed her cheek.

You're gonna be okay.

Gabrielle nodded slowly. Xena stood up and looked around.

I need to do something to stop the bleeding. But it's not like Callisto is just going to let us walk out of here.

Your right, I'm not.

Xena turned to see Callisto right next to her. Xena angerly swung her sword at callisto, who caught it with her bare hand. She looked at it and smirked.

Now what do you plan on doing with this? You know it won't work.

Xena tried to pull her sword away, but couldn't. Then Callisto ripped the sword from Xena's hand and casually tossed it over her shoulder.

Well that's gone. Now what Xena?

Xena tried to come up with a plan. As she was thinking, she heard Gabrielle began to gasp for breath and cough up blood. Xena quickly looked at her.


It didn't take long for Xena to figure out what was wrong.

(Thinking to herself) I must've hit her lung. Damn it.

Xena knew she had to act quick or Gabrielle would pretty much drown from her own blood.

(Sarcasm) Wow things just keep going from bad to worse for you don't they?

Callisto sat down near Xena and Gabrielle and watched the scene before her. Xena knew she had to act fast to save Gabrielle. She needed something sharp to try and drain the blood from Gabrielle's lung.  She looked over seeing her sword and chakrum a little ways off. She glanced back at Callisto.

Oh don't worry, I'm not gonna do anything to her. There's no need. You've already done all the work for me. I'm just here to watch things play out. So go on, try to save your little Gabrielle. Watching you struggle in vein should be fun.

Xena quickly got up and retrieved her weapons. As she did Ares, who had been watching everything from a distance approached her.

You know all this could have been avoided if you had just listened to me and accepted my help.

Screw you Ares. You've been a part of this from the very beginning. You're help always comes at a price. And that price is something I'm not willing to pay.

Really? Not even for Gabrielle?

No, it's because of Gabrielle that I would never do that.

Xena turned around, went back to Gabrielle and got to work.

You know I'll never understand the hold she has over you Xena. She ruined you. Before she came along you were amazing. More than you are now. You were ruthless. You never let anyone or anything stand in your way. The old Xena would've just gotten rid of the dead weight a long time ago. Now look at you. Instead of fighting back, you're trying to save someone who's held you back so many times from being the true warrior and fighter that you are. So why don't you j....

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