12. Instagram Official

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"Alright. Cavalry's ready, Hunt," Ben called out as the team worked as quick as possible to get Owen Hunt out of the car he was currently trapped under. "We'll get you out on and your way to Grey-Sloan."

"Thanks, Warren," Owen replied, groaning in slight pain.

"Alright, I'm gonna cover you for protection," Ben explained to his friend.

"Wait, wait, Warren..." Owen said in a panic, immediately stopping the firefighter from what he was doing. "Warren! Warren!" he added.

"Yeah?" Ben questioned, looking at his friend.

"If I... If I," Owen paused, grunting out in pain. "If I don't... Leo and Allison, they..." he was cut off from his words from Ben before he could say anything else.

"Hunt, you are alive, and you are staying alive, so whatever you have to say, say it to them," Ben told his friend boldly. "And you wrap them in your arms. You hear me?"

"Yeah, yeah, okay," Hunt begrudgingly agreed.

"Thanks," Maya said gratefully, accepting the tool from a fellow firefighter. "Ready?" she wondered, looking at the rest of the team.

The team of firefighters all nodded in agreement with one another.

"Alright, it's metal on metal, so it's gonna get pretty loud," Ben told the doctor.

"Alright, team, let's get Dr. Hunt out of here!" Maya bellowed, determination to rescue Hunt successfully and try and impress the new chief at the same time.

The sounds of saw's whirring loudly as the team of firefighters began to work on getting Hunt out.

"Incident command, we are starting extrication," Ruiz spoke to Andy over the radio.

Hunt continued to groan loudly in pain as the firefighters continued to work around him to get him out, "Okay, Hunt, hold on." he told the doctor.

"Warren, my legs," Owen complained.

"I... I know, I know, but you gotta hold tight," Ben told the doctor, the best advice he could help right now before he looked at Sullivan. "So, you and Sullivan, have some, uh, some history in common," that earned him a look of confusion from the taller firefighter. "Military men."

"Oh. Hunt, you're a soldier?" Sullivan questioned, rounding the door to speak to the man.

"Army doc. Iraq," Hunt replied to the firefighter's question through grunts of pain.

"Mm-hmm," Sullivan hummed in response.

"You gotta do something. My... They're burning. My body's on fire," Owen screamed out in pain.

Maya didn't listen to the conversation going on around her, working quickly with the rest of the team to saw through the metal to be able to get to Hunt the best that they could.

"Sounds like it's chaos down there," Maddie noted, laughing as they walked out of the bathroom and heard the commotion downstairs in reception.

"It does," Carina said in agreement.

"Ohhh!" Maddie could hear Jack yelling from downstairs. "I actually did make one! Whoo!"

The teenager couldn't help but laugh and shake her head amusedly as she caught sight of her uncle with the worried boy, who know looked a little less worried and more happy as they tossed gummy bears into a cup, or at least attempted.

"Oh so that's what there doing," Maddie chuckled, walking down the stairs. "Hey, would you look at that. We did make it back in time after all." she playfully grinned at the younger boy.

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