4. There's Caution In The Wind!

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There's a slight trigger warning for this chapter. It feels pretty heavy when I was writing it so just wanted to give you the guys the heads up!

"This is totally unfair!" Maddie complained, stomping her feet in protest. "You're being dramatic!" she told her.

Maya groaned in frustration as her daughter all but threw a hissy fit once again about the same thing that had been the discussion of the last week.

"I seriously don't understand why I can't have my door! You're being completely over the top!" The teenager continued to shout as Maya folded laundry as a distraction to avoid having this conversation once again.

Within the last week that Maddie had been released from the hospital, Maya didn't want to take any chance and decided to take matters into her own hands.

That said, the older blonde took her daughters' bedroom door off. In her mind, it was one less thing to stop herself from another fear that she would find her daughter in the same condition as before.

"I'm just being precautions, Maddie!" The older blonde insisted as she continued to calmly fold the laundry in front of her.

Carina, just coming in from work after a long shift, furrowed her eyebrows together as she could hear the yelling coming from down the hallway of the apartment complex as she exited the elevator.

"What is going on?" Carina asked, confused. "I could hear the yelling from all the way down the hall!" she added.

"Maddie, you know that I am just trying to make sure that you're okay!" Maya protested.

Her question was ignored by her wife and daughters' continuous arguing back and forth.

The next statement her daughter said was one that shocked her.

"No! You just don't want me to get super depressed again and try to slash my wrists, right?" The teenager quipped, completely unaware that the older brunette was now back from work.

"Bambina!" Carina exclaimed in horror.

The brunette groaned to herself as she knew she would be the one in the middle trying to mediate the situation between the two, who were too alike sometimes to get along.

"What? It's the truth. You're both totally afraid that I'll completely lose it, have another breakdown and try off myself again," Maddie stated, shrugging her shoulders loosely. "You can't deny it,"

"Bambina!" Carina warned her daughter, giving her a pointed look as she took her coat off and hung it up on the hook by the front door. "Don't talk about things like that!"

Both the wife's shared a look between one another as the older blonde shook her head, frustrated with her daughters' behaviour.

"The door stays off, Madison! It's not up for discussion," Maya stated firmly.

"It's a total invasion of my privacy, Mom! You can't do this!" The teenager yelled, annoyed with the loss of her bedroom door.

Maya threw her hands up in frustration, "Sue me for trying to protect you!" she mumbled.

"It's total bullshit!" Maddie exclaimed.

"Hey! Watch your language!" Carina replied, shaking her head at the younger blonde. "Your mom has her reasons to do this. We're just trying to protect you,"

Maddie scoffed slightly and shook her head in disagreement, "Protect me? Hell, this feels more like suffocation," she muttered.

"Oh now, who is the one who is being dramatic?" Maya chuckled.

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