9. Firehouse Babies, Yes That's Plural... There Are Two Of Them

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"Ugh!" Maddie groaned in frustration. "This is so stupid, none of these questions even make sense! I give up," The girl continued to grumble, staring hard at the laptop screen in front of her.

Maya and Carina had finally had some success with the home schooling and Maddie was able to jump back in straightaway, so here she is now, catching up idol math work which in her opinion completely sucked. The girl found the whole completely frustrating, and wondered if the work actually seemed to be harder than the stuff she'd been doing in class, either that or she just hadn't paid much attention to any of the lessons.

Yeah, maybe that could be it?

Carina frowned as she heard her daughters' complaints from where she stood in the bathroom, taking the opportunity to have a relaxing shower. Walking out of the shower with damp hair, she glanced at her daughter who looked fed up. "What's the matter, Bambina?" she asked.

"These questions!" Maddie stared at the laptop with a harsh glare. "Why don't they make any sense at all? Look, Mama!" she protested, motioning towards the screen.

"I'm looking, Bambina," Carina walked over to the laptop and sighed slightly. "Okay, well, how about you try and take a break from this now? You need to eat something and then you can come back and look at these questions with a clearer head. There's no rush,"

"I can't leave it. I need to do it now, Mama!" Maddie growled in frustration. "It's important!" she added.

"Okay, alright, calm down. You don't need to do it right this minute," Carina raised her eyebrow slightly at her daughter's sudden change in attitude. "Come on, close the lid on the laptop and let's go eat. What would you like for lunch?" she wondered.

"I'm not feeling hungry," Maddie shrugged her shoulders and turned to focus her attention on the schoolwork.

"I didn't ask you that, Bambina. I asked what you wanted to eat," Carina decided to take charge of the situation and close the laptop lid down after realising her daughter wouldn't do it herself. "It's important, and I am feeling slightly hungry too so I might have a sandwich. What do you want to eat?"

Maddie frowned and shrugged her shoulders again slightly. "I don't know," she mumbled.

"What do you want to eat, Maddie?" Carina repeated her question and gave her daughter a look that Maddie knew she was somewhat serious. "Don't make me go all doctor on you, Bambina. You know that I will," she joked.

"PB&J please," Maddie mumbled quietly, standing up from her seat at the table. It had all she wanted right now, the two little demonic people were making her crazy, and she didn't just blame the mood swings. Although, she knew she had been acting slightly different than usual right now.

Carina nodded in agreement and smiled. "Alright. Go ahead and grab the bread out of the pantry and we'll make those sandwiches," she told her daughter as she bent down to the puppy to give her some attention who whined at the brunettes feet. "I think someone's becoming a little jealous,"

"I think so too," Maddie agreed as she giggled and handed her the bread like she was told. "I'm struggling with home-schooling," she admitted.

"I know," Carina agreed with a sigh. "It's going to be tough to adjust too but you know if you want some help then you only have to ask and I will try and help where I can," she explained to the girl.

"I guess... I guess that I just have a lot on my mind today," Maddie confessed as she shuffled on the spot. "And I don't like to ask for help sometimes," she added.

"I know, and Aaron has that soccer game tonight, si?" Carina wondered as she continued to make sandwiches for them both, as much as she had a dislike for PB&J and went for a different filler option.

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