10. Like Mother, Like Daughter!

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"Rough morning there, kiddo?" Maya joked as she walked past the bathroom to see her daughter clutched over the toilet.

Maddie weakly raised her head that was hovered over the toilet. "Gee. Whatever gave that idea, Mom?" she asked sarcastically.

"Maddie," Maya stated, less than impressed with her daughters' attitude overall.

"I'm sorry," Maddie began to apologise immediately, feeling bad about the way she spoke to the older blonde. "That was rude. I didn't mean to be like that. I'm sorry. I'm sorry," she repeated.

"It's alright kiddo. It'll get better. Just give it another couple of weeks," Maya reassured her daughter while trying to comfort her by patting her back. "You know if you're not feeling up for going shopping with your Tia and I then that's okay,"

"No. No. I still want to go!" Maddie was quick to insist as she attempted to get up off the bathroom floor. "I'll be fine. It's just morning sickness and it will pass soon enough. Tia Andy is practically dying to go and look at baby clothes with me and I know you're excited too," she explained.

"Are you sure? No offence kiddo, but you look terrible," Maya winced as she looked at her daughter who looked awful and she began to wonder if she had even slept. "We can arrange for another day. There's plenty of time,"

Maddie nodded and pushed herself to stand up from the floor, moving over to the bathroom sink and quickly brushed her teeth to not have that horrible taste in her mouth. "Thanks, Mom. That means a lot," she muttered sarcastically before she swilled her mouth with water.

"It's the truth and you know your Tia will understand if you want to rest," Maya reminded her with a kind smile. "Don't push yourself to do something if you don't want to do it,"

"I don't want to leave it too long," Maddie began to explain as she flicked the shower on so she could freshen up before she headed out for the day. "Soon enough, I'm going to be all fat and disgusting and not even want to leave the house," she added.

"Hey! Don't talk about yourself like that," Maya scolded her gently as she shook her head. "You're pregnant and you're carrying twins. It's normal to put on the extra weight but that doesn't mean that you won't be able to lose it afterwards," she told her.

"I'm going to work so hard to get my body back into good shape after the girls are born. I'm serious about that!" Maddie stated as she lifted her oversized top that she happened to have stolen from Aaron and looked down at the bump that was forming.

Maya smiled slightly as she watched her daughter gently caress her stomach and give a small smile. "And I'm serious about the shopping today, kiddo. Your Tia and I will understand if you don't want to go shopping. Don't force yourself," she told her.

"I'm not. It's totally fine. I'm excited," Maddie wasn't sure who she was trying to convince more, herself or her Mom. "See? I'm totally excited. Yay!" she lifted her hands up and waved them around.

"Alright. Whatever you say," Maya shook her head and laughed slightly. "Enjoy the shower. Don't waste all the water," she teased her fourteen-year-old before she walked out of the bathroom.

"Hola! Tia Andy's here, and I'm ready to shop until I drop!" Andy exclaimed, walking through the apartment with her duffle bag from work.

"Seriously?" Maya questioned with a raised eyebrow. "Coffee?" she motioned to the mugs in front of her and the pot of freshly brewed coffee.

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