||Chapter 19||

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Lauren's POV

I sit down panting, I seriously felt like passing out.

I got off my bed and ran toawards my suitcase by the door.

I zip it open and search for any water.

I slap my forehead, I have to go outside ugh...

I slowly open my door peering to see some type of vending machine or something.

I then hear a loud buzzing noise, yep that must be it.

I walk down the hall slowly making sure I have a key to get back into my room and slide the door shut.

I walk to a little opening in a wall without a door, which I walk through to see a small glass door that leaves outside.

I sigh and open the door, hearing the buzzing more vividly now.

I see a vending machine with waters in them.

I reach in my back pocket for 4 bucks.

I feed the money in and press a button.

Two waters come out freezing cold.

I bend down to grab them when I heard a small sigh and the automatic doors opening.

But that sigh was a distressed sigh, from a voice I heard before.

I get up and turn around seeing the person I ran away from looking down at their phone.

Before I can move or make a run for it words escape my lips before I can even think.

"Mitch?" I quickly cover up my mouth and it's too late now, I'm going to get caught now, I'm dead meat.

His ears purk up at the sound of my voice and his head slowly turns my way

A smile spreads on his lips at his sights of me.

I tried to move but I felt paralyzed by his gaze at me.

I need to go, NOW!!

"Lauren, why are you doing this? Everyone is worried-"

I finally got enough courage to sprint away back to the glass door.

I have only a few seconds so I grab my key while running and swing it on my door.

I waited and waited as the light turned green and heard the glass door open carelessly.

I turned the handle and ran inside, shoving the door shut.

Mitch was only a second behind me.

I crack open a water bottle and slide down the door reaching the floor.

I hear Mitch banging on the door.


I shake my head

"Haha no way." I muttered a bit.

I can tell after a few minutes, he slid down the door also on the other side.

"It doesn't have to be this way..." He says softly.

"Well I want it to be." Really? You want it to be? That's the best you can come up with??? I slap my forehead

"Why? Because your afraid? Why would you be afraid?"

"Because Mitch!"

He stood silent.

I sighed and began

"I'm afraid because I..." I bit my lip.

I stopped talking, I didn't want to even admit this to myself, more so him.


I kept quite.

He sighed," You aren't going to finish are you..."

I nodded even though he couldn't see me.

"Well let me say something, Lauren don't abandon everyone at the house because of a crush you had, it's over and that's all that matters,"

I bit my lip again.

That's the point, I don't know if I'm over my 'crush' yet...

I stood up and opened the door.

I sighed. "I guess your right. Let's go home."

I pack my things and head out, checking out with a different lady who offered free mints, without looking at the girl.

We ride in the car for a few minutes and get home.

Mitch calls the others to tell them that he found me and to come back.

Everyone arrives in about 5 min.

"Oh my gosh, Lauren! Are you ok?" Becca says jumping into a hug.

"Haha yeah I'm ok, but um we need to talk." I say as I take a quick glance at Mitch.

She doesn't seem to notice and says "Ok sure."

She follows me into the bedroom and we sit down.

"Ok um, um, um, I-I like-liked Mitch..." I say as I look down.

"You what?" She says standing up

"I don't anymore I promise!!!" I say trying to calm her down.

"I can't believe this" she says shaking her head.

I see a tear roll down her eye.

"Please Becca let me expla-" I say grabbing her arm.

"No! Don't touch me!" She says pushing my arm away.

"I can't believe you'd do this to me." She says as she walks out to who knows where.

I face plant on the bed and start to cry. Why did I do this? Why?

Hey guys! Sorry we've been absent lately but we have lots of math tests and school work! But here's another chapter and we hope you like it! Thanks for the 2.01k reads!!!❤️❤️😘😘

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