Chapter 10

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The bright sun light hit her face. She slightly open her eyes and  stretched her body. Then sat on her bed half closed eyes. But her eyes wind open when she hear dad voice.

Dad: Princess, Wake Up. "She immediately open her eyes and look at her dad smiling face."

Y/n: dad!! Is that really you or I'm dreaming? "She ask confusion and shock tone."

Dad: yes princess. It's me. "She hugged him tightly and happy tears come out from her eyes "

Y/n: dad.... I really miss you. "She said cracked voice."

Dad: I miss you too princess.

Y/n: dad, when did you come back home?

Dad: yesterday night....when I reach home, I come to your room to meet you but I saw you asleep so I went back my room. Now get up and do your routine. I'll wait you at living room.

I nodded and went washroom. after while come back wearing my dress

I went to lliving room and I saw dad watching business news. I walk towards him and sat beside him.

Y/n: dad can you please stop watching this. It's really boring. "He chuckled and turn off the TV."

Dad: aren't you going to work today?

Y/n: No dad..... I'm going to school because I have to submit my final project. but Don't worry I already inform my department head.

Y/n: so dad how was your Canada trip. Did you enjoy?

Dad: y/n...I went there for business, not for vacation but the good news is our company is signed new project with BackRubs. the biggest company in Canada.

Y/n: wow dad congratulations....

Dad: thank you princess. and I decided to conduct a business party tonight for my success, so you have come to that party.

Y/n: but dad you know. I don't like business parties.

Dad: y/n...I don't want to hear any kind of excuses. You must have to come.

I sighed and spoke

Y/n: okay dad. As your wish. "He smiled and patted my head."

Dad: come on, let's so have breakfast. "Then we both walk towards dinning room."

After while I suddenly remember about Jackson oppa and my eyes become watery.

Y/n: dad...did you hear jackson oppa's death. Someone brutally murder him. "I said sadly."

Dad: yeah...I read that news

Y/n: I didn't know why they killed him. He really nice guy. I just hope cobs find him soon and give justice for jackson oppa "I said wiped my tears."

Dad mind: he is not nice person as you think princess.  I can't tell you his real truth. He just wrote his death by his own hand by sending his spy in KT's gang. If anyone mess with KT, then they never see sunlight again. He'll kill them mercilessly. Sadly I'm also working under him. I really don't know when I'm end up like jackson.

Y/n: dad!!! Why you look so worried?

Dad: nothing princess. I just think about Jackson. I feel bad for him.  "He said started to eat again."



I was standing in front of my school then Lisa called me and said they were all in the library so I went there to meet them.

Y/n: hey guys....Have you been waiting too long for me? "I ask and sat beside Lisa."

Jisoo: No....We just got here five minutes ago. "She replied sweet and calm tone."

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