Chapter 24

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I went top of the building to let out my frustration. Then I climbed on the edge of the building and sat down.  From there I can see the whole city. People call it beautiful, magnificent and peaceful , but not everything we see it true. What we look beautiful from distance maybe horrible up close and that’s case here too.

In this world no one care about others. Why would even they care? They’re too busy trying to make a living..  They just care about them self only. Why wouldn’t they be? This world is full of selfish people. They silently enjoying seeing others pain until that pain comes to their life. i sigh sadly. Today I realise there is no one will come to save me from the devils cage. If I want to free I have to do something. I feel weak and helpless every passing days my mind already give up and started to accept my fate but my heart not ready to accept him because it already belong to someone. I hate it too. Yes I still have some feeling for beakhyung even after knowing he just love my money not me. even after he broken my heart to million pieces he is still exist there in those pieces. all these years I tried to forget him and move on in my life but my every attempt gone vain. Sometimes my longs for him to come and save from this devil’s cage but when I remember his words my anger increased and I don’t want to see his face till my death.

I still remember that incident when taehyung saved me from jake and that time I felt a strange feeling towards him. I don’t know what it was and I never had a feeling like towards anyone before but after knowing his true colour that feeling disappeared and now he has no place in my heart. Now I have only one feelings towards him and that is hate. I hate him….i hate him so much. he destroy my life, my happiness and he is the only reason I’m in this situation now. I’ll never forgive him. One day he will also perish and I’ll definitely see that he’ll be in a worse condition than I am now.  

I hear door opening sound and someone walking inside roof I heard his footsteps and I know he walking towards me but I didn’t bother to turn and look at the person. I just ignore and started at the city with an emotionless face. He come and stands beside but I eyes still fixed on busy city.

Jimin: planning to jump from here? “I glance at him and then back at the city and replied.”

y/n: I’m not a coward who tried to commit suicide to escape from the problems. My mom didn’t raise me like that. I have the courage to face any problem, so you don’t need to worry about me jimin-shi. Oh I forget you never care and worry about anybody other than your brothers. “y/n” he sigh and called me softly, but I didn’t respond so he held my wrist and made get down then turn me to him, I can see the guiltiness in his eyes.”

Jimin: yes you’re right y/n…I never care about anybody except my brothers but I really care about you. “ I know what I did to you was wrong, for that I’m really sorry please forgive me. "I glared at him and pull out my hand his grip then move back to keep some distance between us.”

y/n: sorry.  “I scoffed.” Will you sorry bring back to me all that I lost because you guys. What you thought I didn’t know you’re the one who helped taehyung find my location.  I used to considered you all as my brother and I thought that you all also thought of me as a sister but you and your brothers proved me I’m wrong. What did you all think I was? A toy? So you guys can play with my life. “he shook his head and move forward to me but I signal him to stop while showing my palm infront of him.” Stop there where you are mr.park don’t tried to come forward that won’t be good for both of us. "He sigh and spoke.”

Jimin: y/n listen….after you run away from taehyung, his condition gotten worse, he didn’t eat and didn’t sleep properly. he was searching you like a mad person. We couldn’t see him like that either, so I told him where you were. We just wanted to see him happy. You’re the only person can make him happy.

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