For Haters

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Yesterday someone text me and said the story is not interest like before and it's boring now a days. I'm not uploading regularly. Always gave lame reasons for delay upload. Then she/he ask me why don't you stop writing when you can't upload regularly? She/he even compared my story with rafae's story. That person said my English vocabulary is bad and I don't deserve to be called author.

Yes I'm not good author like others. I'm not uploading regularly like others. I always break my promises and i know my English is bad because English not my first language and since 1st standard i studied government school, so it's difficult for me to write fluent in english. I'm not professional writer, i just write for fun. I agree whatever that person said is right but, I can't tolerate when people compare me with others.

I accept rafae's stories are good but doesn't mean mine is worst. Yeah she writing everywell and punctual and upload on time, but her schedule and mine is totally different..i have my own reasons not uploading regularly.

I face lots of hates after Start writing. Most of time ignored but everytime they tortured me with their words. When i start dark obsession. Someone said I'm copying rafae's obsession. Our plots are similar, but i ignored that because I know I'm not copying anyone. Even my plot is different then her. After that my account got hacked and someone again spread fake news about me. That person delete my all hardwork with in a sec. Do you know how much it's hard for me. I work for my stories day and night without caring my health but in return i get nothing. That time not only i lost my account. I lost the trust the reader had in me. Most of people call me attention seeker, but only i know the pain of losing everything. Again open new account and post all chapters. Just for my true readers.

I don't understand one thing there are thousands of obsession stories in Wattpad and YouTube and everything is different from other. Some maybe similar but doesn't mean it's copied and if you don't like it please stop reading why are you comparing one author to another one? Everyone author putting their full effort to make readers happy but some readers never understand their hardwork.. they always find fault in it.

If you think mine is not interest to read please stop reading. I'm not forcing anyone and I'm uploading late means my health candition not well because I'm pregnent, so it'll take time for uploading and I hate comparing...for me mine obsession is best. If you can't support me it's okay for me, but stop comparing me with others.

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