Chapter 17

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A Month Later

Y/n: yahhh....wake up you lazy ass...I don't want to be late at my work because of you. "I said taking his blanket away."

Soobin: 5 more min. "I said sleepy tone."

Y/n: NO....I've been trying to wake you up for last 15 minutes but you keep saying this over and over again. If you don't wake up now I will pour water on you. "He rolled another side and hug pillow and asleep."

I give you last warning soobin. Are you going wake  up or not? "He ignored my words so I angrily went out his room and went back cup of cold water and poured on him. Because of sudden coldness he immediately get up from the bed. I look at his face and started to laugh."

Soobin: yahhh...why did you pour water on me.

Y/n: I told you...If you don't wake up I'll pour water on you, didn't I? But you just ignore my words, so I did what I was told. "I said casually." Now go get ready...we already late for work. "I push him into washroom. And went to kitchen. There halmeoni cooking something delicious for us. I run towards her and hugged her from behind.

Y/n: good morning halmeoni. "I said happily."

Halmeoni: good morning sweetheart? Where is soobin?

Y/n: he is in the washroom halmeoni. Can we eat I'm really hungry and also I late for my work.

Halmeoni: go and sit I'll bring your favorite hot chocolate and pancakes for you. "I walk towards dinning table and sat. Few minutes later she comes with my favourite food and sat beside me. Then we started to eat. Then soobin walk in and look at us."

Soobin: you guys are eating without me. "He walk towards us and sat with us."

Y/n: yes, because you are a lazy ass and always comes late.

Soobin: I'm not lazy okay...I just fell asleep because I worked so hard yesterday.

Y/n:  oh!! Really!! as far as I know you didn't work that much yesterday...You were just flirting with the girls who came to cafe.

Halmeoni: what!!! soobin, Is it true? Are you flirting with girls. "He looks at her nervously."

Soobin: no darling.... They are the one who come and try to flirt with me. I'm innocent. "He looks at her innocently."

I look at him disgustedly and scoffed.

Y/n: liar. "I mumbled."

Halmeoni: okay fine let's eat. "She started to serving him food."

Soobin: what... pancakes....I don't want this. "He said and push the plate."

Y/n: then don't eat.. "I said l don't care about that."

Soobin: shut up witch.... I'm not talking to you.

Y/n:  I didn't talk to you either.


Halmeoni: just stop it guys, please don't start again. I'm really done with your stupid fights. Soobin if you don't want to eat pancakes, it's alright. I'll prepare chicken sandwich for you. and y/n eat your food quality.  "She said firmly and get up from the dinning table and went to kitchen to prepare his chicken sandwich."

Few min later he come back with sandwich and we all eat together. The laugh spread all over house.  I'm really happy with them they treat me like their own family. I really miss my dad, eomma and my besties and also I worried about them. I just hope they're all fine.

I'm working at cafe with soobin and the owner of that cafe is really nice. And soobin introduce me to his friends and now they're my friends too. I'm glad I meet soobin that day or else I don't know what happened to me. I want live my life happily like this.

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