Chapter 23

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I woke up and find myself lying on the floor. I look around the room I didn't find taehyung anywhere. I get up from the floor and went washroom to wash my face, after that I come out from there and then I walkout from my room.

As it was midnight all the maids had gone to their dorm, so I slowly come down from upstairs without making any noise and went to backyard. I open the back door carefully and step out the house. As I stepped into backyard the cold breeze caressed my face.

I closed my eyes and breathed in the fresh air and a small smile appeared on my face without realizing it. I open my eyes and walk feather into the garden, and then I found an artificial waterfall there, which was fitted with colourful lights. It was very beautiful to see at night time.

I went near the waterfall and sat down on the floor, and then I touch the water in my hand. I thought it will be cold but it's warm, so I dipped my both fate into the water. The sound of water falling sweet to hear. I felt peace in my heart.

I enjoy my time there. Time passed fast. I checked the time it's 1:30 p.m. My eyes widen in shock. If taehyung found me I am not in room he will kill me, so I stand up from that place and about to walk back to mansion, but I stopped when I hear familiar voice from my behind. I immediately turn to look at the person. My eyes are become watery as I saw her face. It's my mom but how it's possible she is already dead right. It can't be true I mumbled with tears.

Mrs park: sweetie don't you miss me? "She asked her sweet and carrying tone."

Y/n: mom! Is that really you? "I asked with my tears eyes. She nodded her head and opens her arms and calls me for hug. I immediately towards her and hugged tightly like my life depends on it. I cried hardly in her arms. She breaks the hug and wiped my tears and spoke."

Mrs Park: why my princess is crying huh? She asked soft and concern tone."

Y/n: no mom... I am not your princess anymore I become a slave. The slave of the monster. He made my life hell. I just hate this life, please take me with you mom. I don't want live like shit anymore.

Mrs park: you're my brave daughter. How can you give up easily? You have to be strong.

Y/n: no mom I am not strong enough to fight with my fate. I am weak and pathetic mom. Whenever I try to stand brave in front of him he breaks my courage into pieces. I can't fight with my fate anymore. "Mrs park holds her shoulder and made her look at her face."

Mrs park: if you can't change your fate, have courage to face it and you are not weak no woman in this world is weak. They are bloom like flower flame like fire. Don't let anyone think you are weak because of your women. Women's can be weak physically, but we are stronger than men's mentally so don't let anyone mistreat you.

One thing I want to remind you y/n. If you want strong you have to be forged through the challenge of life,with each challenge you grow mentally and emotionally. You move forward with your head held high and strength. Don't forget you are a warrior. "I listen her every word carefully and I felt different. I got new courage to live now." Did you get that what I mean. " My mom asked me. Nodded she smile and then patted my head lovingly." That's my girl now I have to leave take care sweetheart with that she disappeared. I search her everywhere but I couldn't find her I cried loudly and suddenly all went black.

When I opened my eyes I found myself in my bedroom where I was lying before. I couldn't understand what happened, how I end up in my room. The only thing I remain I was searching my mom in backyard then I blank out suddenly. I hold my head and try to remember everything suddenly the alarm clock rings I look at the time it's already 7:00 a.m. and I remember what taehyung say yesterday, so I run into the washroom to do my morning routine. After finishing my routine I wear my dress and went to kitchen for cook that monster.

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