Chapter 22

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   I tried to sleep but I couldn't,  I saw my doll sleeping peacefully, looking at my doll's calm sleeping face, I felt peace in my heart.  she never failed to amaze me with how someone could be so beautiful. even though she looked pale and exhausted she looks like an angel. Today my doll worked too much. I saw everything from my office through the cameras I had fitted at the mansion how hard she worked to complete each task I gave her, I deeply look at her face, her puffed eyes, red nose, and a dried tears stain on her face everything give me so much pain in my heart. 

The wind was blowing because of that her hair fluttered and it caressed her cheek. so she was having difficulty sleeping. I remove the hair strands from her face and tucked them behind her ears, then I caressed her cheeks softly. I want her badly but she's scared me and whenever I tried to approach her she always tried to running away from me, now where she'll run. I trapped her in my cage. 

Taehyung: why are you trying to runway from me doll? I just want you to stay by my side. Isn't that hard? I never wanted to hurt you doll. But you kept triggering my anger and making me do those things that I never want to do with you.  When you'll realize you are mine,  mine to love, mine to touch, mine to adore. And only mine forever.

Taehyung: don't worry doll I'll teach you everything in my ways. Soon you'll be my perfect little wife. Mrs. Kim y/n  "I smirk." If Kim taehyung lay an eye on something then he'll get that at any cost. There is nothing in this world that I cannot get.

The whole night passed by while looking at her beautiful face. The sun started to rise the bright sunlight invading my room. I look at the watch and it was 6.00 am, and I slowly moved towards her and tried to wake her up.

Taehyung: wake up doll. "He called her softly but she has grown and turned another side. I chuckled seeing her." It's time to wake up doll. "This time I shout a little bit."

Y/n: please... eomma I'm tired.  let me sleep..10 more min." she said and closed her face with a blanket."

Taehyung: oh my poor doll is tried huh? But How can I let you sleep peacefully when I'm lost my sleep because of you? "I smirk and took the alarm clock from the table and set the alarm on it and placed it next to her ears. In a few sec, it started to ring loudly because of the sound she immediately woke up and sat on the bed with irrationality and throw the alarm clock on the floor. 

Y/n: EOMMA... WHY DID YOU --- "I stopped when I realise mine is not in my home. and I saw taehyung standings in front of me with his blank expression on his face."

Taehyung: it's not your eomma, it's me, your husband who wakes you up. "He said firmly and I glared at him then I saw the time it's only 6 am."

Y/n: it's only 6 am taehyung. why did you wake me up so earlier? "I asked

Taehyung: earlier? But I don't think so. The maids here wake up earlier than this and start doing their jobs. I think my baby doll forget what is her place in this house. "He said sarcastically" Don't worry I'm here to remind you. You're my slave. Kim taehyung's slave and there is no difference between you and them.  "He harshly held my hand and pulled me from bad."

Taehyung:  get fresh up and start your work. "He said in a deep voice. I signed then pull out my hand from his grip, and glared at him."

Y/n: Fine. "I said stern voice  and then I walked towards the bathroom, but he stopped me middle of the way." Stop there." he said in a commanding tone and walk towards me, and then grabbed my hair, jerk me towards him."

Taehyung: I think I need to fix my little slave attitude. "He tightened his grip on my hair, but this time I didn't scream nor cry. I just stayed silent and ensure all pain."  remember this your my slave so behave like one.  This time I forgive you. If you show your damn attitude again you'll see my devil side. "

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