Chapter twelve

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I cleaned up the shop for the night, exhausted. So much has been happening in just a few days, I was overwhelmed and I needed to sleep. I wiped off one of the tables with my towel thinking about how stupid this plan was. I sat down the towel and rubbed my face with my hands.

"Are you okay?" I looked over and Dustin was walking in through the doors.

I nodded, "yeah, i'm fine. I'm just tired and worried that's all." I picked the rag back up to keep myself busy.

Dustin pushed himself onto the table across from me, "you don't seem fine. Something else is wrong. Is it Steve?" I stop and look at him and open my mouth to speak but close it and continue wiping the table. "I knew it! You still like him." His finger pointed at me with a huge smile.

"I do not like him."

"Oh you totally do." Dustin got up, "I mean he totally still likes you too, I mean have you seen him look at you? He just looks like he will fall to his knees and ask you to marry him." I tensed at his words and Dustin noticed. "Listen, he likes you a lot. And yes he said he still liked Nancy, but I think he is just scared."

"Okay!" The door swung open and Steve walked in making me and Dustin jump. "Sorry, am I interrupting something?"

"No, just talking is all. Are we ready to go?" I asked grabbing my rain coat.

"Yeah, let's get this show on the road." He popped his hood over his head and we made our way to the roof top.

The thunder and lighting crashed and we were getting soaked. Dustin tried his best to look through the binoculars.

"Look for Imperial Panda and Kaufman Shoes." Robin said, someone whistling below us made us turn our attention.

"They're with that whistling guy, ten o'clock." Dustin said loudly.

"What do you thinks in there?" Steve asked his hood down his hair the messiest i've seen it.

"Guns, bombs."

"Chemical weapons?" Robin finished.

"Whatever it is they're armed to the teeth." Dustin yelled then the thunder howled.

A guy pressed a bottom opening a large door. "Hey," Robin said, "What's in there?"

"It's just more boxes." Dustin answered.

Steve reached for the binoculars, "Let me check it out."

"No i'm still looking."

"Let me see it." They fought over it until it dropped out of their hands and down. It made a large crash and we all turned and ducked down behind the small ledge. We were all panicking and breathing heavily, I look over and see Steve and Robin with their hands intertwined. They quickly let go and I snap my head back forward.

My chest felt tight and I was struggling to breath. I took a few deep breaths as I felt the water pool in my eyes. I thought he didn't want me because of Nancy, I guess it's just me he didn't want.

We quickly left and made our way back. We kept quiet as we made our way down the hall soaked from the pouring rain. Our shoes squeaked from the water.

When we got back we all decided to head back home for the night. It was late and we all needed to sleep after that. Robin took Dustin home so it was just Steve and I. I finished a few chores around the shop and heard Steve come up behind me.

"Hey, do you need a ride?"

I looked at him then back at my hands as I scrubbed them. "I got my license Steve, ya know almost a month ago. You would know that if you would talk to me." I turned around and dried my hands. I ripped the stupid scoops ahoy hat off my head pulled my hair up into a messy ponytail.

"Are you mad at me?" Steve asked following me to the door.

I whipped around, I was frustrated he even asked yet I was kinda relieved he did. I sighed and tucked a fallen piece of hair back.

"Listen Steve. I've been trying to be nice and act like everything is fine, but it just isn't. You act like you like me but turns out you're still just in-love with my best friend, your ex. And I tried to act like I didn't care and I wish that I didn't, but I do. And I tried to call you, all break but I couldn't cause i've been giving you space and I thought you would call first. And when you didn't I gave up and tried to move on. But when you did you gave me more false hope because all you needed was another helping hand at your job." I didn't realize I was crying until my vision was blurred.

"I hate that you make me feel incapable of anything and everything, you make me feel hopeless and insecure." I gasped a sob and continued my rant. "I saw you holding hands with Robin, i'm not blind. If you never wanted me at all, then say so. Don't drag me along." I pulled my coat off the rack storming out of the place without letting him speak.

My eyes were flooded and tears fell so hard it was impossible to see straight. I fell into my car crying harder now that I was alone. I started the car, I didn't want to go home. I wanted to be anywhere else. So I went to the only place I could think of.

I pulled up the the wheelers still crying so hard my eyes burned. I knocked once the thunder clapping, no answer. I knocked again louder this time hoping someone would just open the dang door. I went to knock again but the door opened revealing Nancy.

At first her face looked irritated and mad but when she saw how much of a mess I was in her face went soft and worried.

"Izzy what the hell happened?" She asked panicked her eyes scanning my body for anything.

"I don't wanna go home, I have no one to talk to. I-I was at work cleaning and I just went off on Steve and I can't do it anymore." I cried more and she pulled me inside and up to her room.

She sat me on her bed and held me in her arms as I cried. "Tell me what you said."

"I cleaned, he asked me if I needed a ride, he didn't even know I had my license that's how long it's been since we've talked. I mean i've been working there all of what two days maybe and he doesn't talk to me unless he truly has to. So I told him i'm tired of him acting like he cares about me then goes and flirt with someone else and makes me feel weak."

Nancy stroked my head and I felt her chest rise and fall. "Stay here for tonight and just don't talk to him tomorrow unless needed act like he means nothing then he will come crawling to apologize."


AN: sorry i've been so MIA my sport has just really started it's season and school and things like that have been a pain but i promise i will try and post more

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