Chapter twenty two

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We kept driving and I watched the Mind Flayer go from following us to changing his plan.

"Guys." I said looking around.

"It's turning around." Steve said.

"What?" Nancy whipped around confused.

"It's turning around!" Steve yelled.

"Maybe we wore it out." Lucas was way too hopeful.

"I don't think so, hold on." Jonathan then quickly turned the car around and we started heading straight for the Mind Flayer.


We ran into the mall, everyone began to run up the stairs to attack him from above. I stopped and went to turn the other way but Steve grabbed me.

"Where are you going?"

"Max is probably down here, I need to get to her."

"The best way to save her is by killing this thing, Iz."

"There are plenty of you all uphere, let me help her and everyone else. Please go upstairs." He shook his head but I grabbed his face and pulled him in. His lips locked with mine and they moved with a sense of urgency. I let go catching my breath,"Go. I'll be okay, I promise." He kissed my head and we split.

Just as I rounded the corner I spotted Billy standing below the Mind Flayer, El on the ground terrified and the things mouth opening. It looked like another hand was coming out of it's mouth when fireworks exploded, stopping it from hurting El.

As the thing kept getting hit I used this as my chance to find Mike and Max. But something stopped me, I saw Billy falling to the ground with each hit. It was hurting him too.

Tears formed in my eyes and I wanted to reach out and hold him, but I knew that once this thing died he would be okay. Visions of Will when this happened to him flooded my brain and I knew this was just part of the process.

I pushed the tears back and forced myself to look away from my hurting brother and find the others. I didn't know if they were hurt, or dead. And I didn't want to think of either of those ideas.

I rounded a corner and ran into Mike and Max.

"Max! Are you okay?" She nodded and I looked over at Mike. "Are you hurt?" He shook his head and then looked stunned at what was happening.

I realized Billy was standing in front of the Mind Flayer. I knew I had to do something, I looked around panicked and found a knife laying on the ground. Just then Billy yelled and I realized he was holding the Mind Flayer back.

Just then tentacle-like things came out injecting themselves in Billy. He was going limp in the Mind Flayers arms. I screamed so loud my lungs burned as did my chest. I ran over and took the knife in my hand trying to cut away at the arms.

Instead the Mind Flayer sucked it out of my hands then shot it back out.

Into me.

I flew back from the power and intensity of it. I didn't feel anything at first, until I noticed the blood. I was stabbed in my abdomen, blood was soaking my shirt and I heard Max's screams, I held my stomach looking up.

When I realized Billy screamed before one last shove into his chest killed him. Tears trickled down my face, I gasped and watched the life drain from my brother.

And myself.

The Mind Flayer withered and fell to the ground. Max ran over to Billy and cried. I wasn't sure how long I laid there until Steve was next to me holding me in his arms.

"We need an ambulance! Someone call an ambulance!" I watched the water spill from Steve's eyes.

"Steve." I croaked out, it was getting harder to breathe.

Soon everyone was surrounding me. Max fell to her knees crying harder than before. "Steve, remember that promise."

"Iz, no you are not dying." He insisted.

"Izzy." Max hugged my body and I then started crying realizing Max would be all alone.

Everyone was crying around me, Max lifted her head and I wiped her tears yet they still kept falling. "Steve I love you." He kissed me deeply, the salt from our tears making its way into the kiss. Nancy held one hand Max held the other.

"Someone needs to take it out."

"No. I'm not doing that." Max sobbed,"No one is taking it out."

"Max, you and I both know this is the end of the line for me. Take it out."


"I will." Jonathan stepped forward a tear falling down his face.

"Jonathan I swear to god if you touch her I will-"

"Max please, it hurts. I need it to be taken out." She cried harder and turned her head as Jonathan placed his hand on the handle pulling it out making me gasp.

I felt life slowly start slipping from my fingertips and everyone saying my name yet I wasn't able to answer. I felt them shaking me and hoping i'd wake and maybe a miracle would happen. But no miracle did happen.

I was gone.

AN: i'm so sorry i haven't updated in like forever but things have been absolute chaos recently but SUMMER IS COMING UPPPPPP so be prepared for more books and updates

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