Chapter seventeen

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We pushed the roof above us and crawled up, I helped them as I pulled myself up last. The room we were in had giant glass enclosures with the green vials sitting in them.

"Jackpot." Dustin said.

I looked over and noticed that out of the room was a red golf cart. "Guys, come here." Dustin smiled and hopped in the drivers seat.

"Do you even know how to drive?" Erica asked.

"How hard can it be? Max did it."

"Yeah, Max did it with the helping hand of Billy. Besides, I have my license now." Dustin sighed and went to turn the car on when there was no key.

"You seriously thought they would just leave keys in there?"

Dustin sighed,"There's gotta be a spare." He began to look around for any spare, I began to help him.

"Guys, how big did you say that demogorgon was?"

"Big. Nine feet or so. Why?" She never answered. Dustin went over to a safe in the wall using his screwdriver to open the door. Then there was a key, he held it up smiling. "Found them." I looked over to smile at Erica but she was gone.

"Erica!" Then I jumped when I heard a zap. She was holding a large taser in her hands. "What the hell is that?"

"A deadly weapon. Could be useful." She just shrugged and smiled at herself, proud. She zapped it again with more enthusiasm, Dustin held his hands up in defense.

"For what?" He asked.

"What do you think? Taking down commies, saving your friends."

"Thought you were more realistic than that, nerd." She rolled her eyes walking to the car. "We don't even know where they are, and even if we did, there are a million guards up there with weapons way deadlier than that. The best thing we can do for them is to get out of here and find help." The taser was so close to Dustin's face as he got in.

"Easy with that." I said as I squished myself into the drivers seat.

"Our chance of surviving, and theirs, rises substantially. Just trust me on this. Please?"

"Erica, I want to help them so bad it hurts, but Steve would kick me in the butt if I didn't listen and get help and it got us all hurt. They saved us, now we need to save them."


The alarm began to scream just like it did when they found out we broke in. Dustin ran in the room with the taser hitting the 'doctor' with it. I knelt down in front of Steve holding his face between my small hands.

"Iz, you made it." He laughed a bit as did Robin. They were obviously so drugged up.

"What did they do to you?" I asked, brushing one of the many cuts and bruises on his face.

"No time for chitchat." Dustin said rushing to Steve's feet to until them.

"Hey Henderson! That's crazy, I was just talking about you."

"Get ready to run." Dustin urged.


I was in the car driving as fast as this thing would take us. Robin and Steve were in the back complaining.

"Jesus slow down." I bit my cheek, we were really going so slow it made me anxious.

Robin chimed in slurring the words,"Yeah what is this, like, the Indy 500?"

"It's the Indy 300."

"No dingus, it's 500!" Robin yelled back.

"It's 300!"

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