Chapter #1| Daddy's boy

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"Daddy where are you going" I whined. I hugged Daddy tight in my arms, we both had a nap together while Mama's went to make dinner. Even though I just turned eighteen and you'll expect me to grow out of this long time ago, I just couldn't and I feel safe in daddy's arms.

"Baby boy, I need to help your mothers set the table" said Dad.

"Dad mom is calling for you" said Owen. Daddy sighed then picked me up as my legs wrap around his waist. Everyone says I don't look like I'm eighteen, people mistaken me as a sixteen year old. With my small frame, Daddy can drag me around like a rag doll.

"What took you so long?" asked Mama Max

"Oscar didn't want to leave me alone" Daddy replied. Mama Allen sighed and began to tell me off, saying I'm to old to act like a baby.

"Baby you're a young adult now, it's time to grow up" said Mama Max. I shook my hug and laid my head onto Daddy's shoulder, I breathe in his scent as I slowly becoming sleepy yet again.

"Miles you need to talk to him" said Mama Allen

"I will babe now lets eat" said Daddy.

"Babe how many times do I have to tell you that I'm sorry" said Trevor who is Evan's mate.

"If you can bring my dead bird back to life then I'll forgive you" Evan growled. Trevor accidentally left the cage door open as a feral cat ate Evan's bird.

"It was an accident, we both were drunk and how am I suppose to know when I'm bloody drunk" Trevor replied

"Whatever, you're sleeping on the couch tonight" Evan said. Trevor sighed in frustration but argue no further, he followed behind Evan and sat next to him in silent.

"No! daddy I want to sit on your lap" I whined

"Sit on the chair right now otherwise you are going to bed without dinner" said Daddy. I gasped, I hate it when he gets angry with me, I hold back my tears and quietly sit next to Mia. Mama Max and Mama Allen sat next to Daddy, I sighed and ate my food in silence.

"How's school Mia?" asked Mama Max

"Good, Ben is taking me out for a date tonight" she replied sounding so excited. Ben is her true mate, they became mates last week. Nearly everyone have mats except me but I don't care, I have Daddy to stay with me.

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