Chapter #8| Our pup

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A/N: Sorry if this story seemed rushed but this is a short story, I have other books I would like to finish and start so yeah, this book is nearly finished.


Three weeks later .....

"Babe come on lets go see the pack doctor" I said. He whined as he flush the toilet and went to brush his teeth. He's worried he gotten sick but I know what these symptoms mean, he may be pregnant but I want to make sure that he is. I carried him out of our bedroom and walk into the medical room, I laid my baby on the bed, his small hands held my large ones tight. I sense his distress and I assured him it's nothing to be worried about.

"Alright what seems to be the problem here?" asked Dr. Fred

"W-Well umm ... my tummy feels weird and I can't keep down my food. The smell of bacon makes me want to vomit but it upsets me because I love bacon" he replied

"Okay, I'm going to use an ultrasound to get a better look on what going on" he said. Oscar nodded and held my hand in a tight grip, I'm hoping he's pregnant with our pup. Dr.Fred pours this blue gel onto Oscar stomach then on the screen it reveal a small looking peanut.

"Is it serious?" asked Oscar.

"No Oscar, what caused your sickness is because of this little feller" he said. Dr. Fred point on the peanut, Oscar squint his eyes then looked at him in confusion.

"I see nothing" he said. I chuckled

"Look carefully baby, see that dot that looks like a peanut" I explained

"Yeah" he replied

"It's our pup"I said. Oscar looked again then gasped, his eyes widen in shock then looked at the screen again.

"I-I'm pregnant" he said

"Yes baby you're we're going to have a pup" I said. Tears roll down his cheek, my wolf whined seeing our mate cry.

"Why are you crying baby?" I asked

"I'm so happy Enzo, I never picture myself becoming a mother. I-I thought I wasn't ready but now I'm so happy" he cried. My inner wolf yelp in happiness knowing we're going to have our own pup. Dr. Fred wiped the gel away then printed several pictures of our peanut. Once we returned everyone gathered outside playing soccer.

"Hi Mama's" said Oscar

"Baby! are you okay, we heard you're sick" said Max

"I'm fine Mama Max" Oscar replied

"Is he okay?" asked Miles. I grinned.

"What's going on?" asked Abby, soon everyone join in wondering what's going one, Oscar smiled and handed the photo to his father. Miles looked carefully then gasped and handed it to his mates and soon his children.

"You're pregnant" he said

"I'm three weeks!" Oscar replied. Everyone cheered, my beautiful mate is pregnant and I'm so happy.

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