Chapter #10| Dark moon pack

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I look at myself in the mirror, I rub my small bump, it's there but if you look closer you'll just able to see it. I'm only a couple weeks pregnant but I'm happy a bump is slowly starting to form. Today I'm going to go Dark Moon Pack with my handsome mate.

The news went around about my pregnancy and Enzo wanted me to meet his pack and his father. He explained after our pup is born we'll head back to his pack, I didn't like that one bit. I never been away from daddy nor everyone before, hell never even enter the woods before. I'm afraid what lies within but Enzo assured he'll protect his mate and his unborn pups with an iron fist. I believed him but that doesn't mean my fear will vanished, I finish packing my small bag pack as Enzo just finished packing his.

His war wolves are ready to escort us back to the pack, I walked out of the bathroom. Enzo put his back pack on as he helped me put on mine, there were sightings of rogues in the woods a week ago but Enzo assured everything is okay and I hope he's right.

"Ready to go baby?" he asked. I blushed.

"R-Ready" I whispered

"Baby don't be scared, I promised nothing will happened" he said. I nodded in response, this isn't easy for me but I'll try to be brave to show Enzo I'm okay. Stress will harm my pups as Dr. Fred stated so I'll try my best to be brave and calm.

"Have a safe trip" said Mama Allen and Mama Max. I kissed them goodbye until I saw daddy's wolf, I dashed out of the halls and then gave him a big hug. Tears roll down my cheek, I felt his tongue lick my cheek as he gave me a soft yelp. I meet his gaze then nodded, he wanted me to be brave and so I will. I said goodbye to everyone and then the adventure begins.

The drive was about two hours, I miss everyone already. I looked out of the window seeing a huge mansion coming to view, that's the pack house? As the car slowed down and come to a stop, I see pups running around as parents sit and watch their pups play. I smiled knowing that'll be us soon, watching our pup play around.

"Welcome to Black Moon Pack" said Enzo

"This house is massive" I whispered. He smiled.

"It is, home to hundreds of wolves living together. I decided it'll be best to live together then apart, we're like one big family I guess" he replied. Enzo lead me inside while carrying our bags, I insisted on helping but he refused.

"Welcome home son" someone said. I turned around noticing a handsome man that looked a lot like Enzo, I realise it's his father, the man looked like he hadn't ages in years.

"I'm happy to be home, father this is my mate Oscar and this is my father Scott" Enzo introduce. I bow my head as in respect, as an Omega you must respect the elders and the ones who have the high title.

"Please raise your head, I am no longer the Alpha but thank you for giving me your respects" Scott replied. I blush in response.

"How's the pups?" Scott asked. I smiled.

"Healthy and still growing" Enzo replied. Scott introduce his brother then all of Enzo cousins. His family was big and they reminded me of my own, I miss everyone already. Scott lead us to Enzo's bedroom, I always wanted to know what his room looked like, Enzo doesn't live with me. Enzo lead me inside him room, it looked modern and simple. Enzo put our bags down on the bed, I sat on the comfy bed and ready to just cuddle in the blankets and fall asleep. I wasn't gonna lie and say I was very nervous meeting everyone, I never been into the woods before but the fear within me was just useless. Enzo showed how beautiful the woods can be, small animals roaming alone of with their mother eating grass. 

Enzo assured there's also danger inside the woods, I fear that the most on just what lies within the woods. I feared danger would come to my pack and harm everyone, including my family, I wanted to feel safe. Enzo whispered his promises to protect our pups and myself from harm, he wouldn't let anyone harm us and I believed him. 

"Please relax and I'll let you's know when dinner will be ready" said Scott. I nodded and thanked him, everyone in the pack house seemed so kind but I'm still nervous and unsure whether I should speak with them or not. I made sure Enzo stayed close to my side to ease my stress, I know it'll harm my pups so I make sure I don't force myself any further. I walk towards the window and looked at the view, the sun slowly sets over the mountains in the distance, it looked beautiful. 

"Look so beautiful baby" said Enzo. I turned around meeting his gaze then blushed, he really knows how to make my heart skip a beat. 

"It's a beautiful view" I commented, he smiled. 

"I wake up every morning to this baby boy, it's a sight to see" he replied. His arms wrapped around my waist, his hands touch my small pregnant stomach as he kissed my neck. I moaned and leaned closer to his touch. 

"Do you have cheese?" I asked. He chuckled. 

"On the table baby, made sure dad prepared some before we arrived" he replied. I smiled and kissed his lips as I sit and enjoy eating my cheese. 

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