Chapter #7| Breeding

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Two weeks later ....

I cuddled close to Enzo in bed, hearing his heart beat calms me. I'm happy Enzo decided to stay in bed with me all day. I felt the need to not leave his side, Enzo felt my distress and instantly agreed. I hadn't seen daddy all day hence us staying in my bedroom.

"Baby you need to see your family" said Enzo

"No I wanted to stay in bed with you" I whined. He chuckled and kissed my soft lips, I couldn't help but softly moan in response. Even though we've been together close to a month now, my wolf and I feel like we've known each other for years. Enzo have been teaching me everything, he always wanted to run through the woods with me but I'm to afraid to enter the dark woods.

"I know Oscar but we've been in bed all day and it's the afternoon" he replied. I sighed.

"O-Okay but I still want to be next to you" I whispered. He chuckled, Enzo rose from the bed as he held me close to his chest. I wrap my legs around his waist then laid my head onto his shoulder. Once he opened the door, the smell of home cooked meal filled the air, instantly my stomach began to growl.

"Ah! someone decide to show themselves" Abby teased

"Your luck little bro, dinner is ready" said Owen. I see Mama Max and Mama Allen setting the table. Suddenly I saw daddy's wolf walk into the kitchen, I squealed and hop down then ran towards daddy. His wolf yelp as he purred while I brush my hand through his black fur.

"Hi daddy" I said. Daddy yelp in response then rub his head against my body, I giggled in response. I see Enzo sitting next to Owen, his gaze still remained in me, watching me play with Daddy. As daddy step back and went into his bedroom to shift, he returned while I jumped and hug him tight.

"You okay baby boy?" he asked

"I'm okay daddy, just feel a bit tired today" I replied. Daddy frowned.

"Your body is kinda warm" he commented

"Really? I've been cuddling Enzo" I replied. Mama Max and Mama Allen called us for dinner, I sat next to Enzo and began to eat our dinner. Evan and Travor aren't fighting today which is odd since they always argue all the time. As we continue eating dinner I suddenly felt my whole body burn, this seemed all to familiar. Enzo explained my burning body is signs of my mating heat, I whimper softly feeling tingles shoot to my core. I heard everyone gasped, Enzo growled lowly at everyone around the table.

"Everyone move away" Daddy ordered. I whimper again looking up at Evan, his eyes grew dark and showed his canines to daddy.

"P-Please" I whimpered. Enzo picked me up and dashed towards our bedroom, I moaned feeling his touch onto my sensitive skin. I laid on my back with my legs spread wide, this is different and why do I feel the need to be filled?

"Baby listen carefully, I'm barely hanging on. My wolf is going to take full control because this isn't your normal mating heat baby. We'll breed and soon I'll knot you baby. You may get pregnant and I know we've been together for so little time but baby ever since I laid my eyes on you I knew I fell in love" said Enzo.

"M-Make the pain go away" I whimpered.

"I know baby I will but you may get pregnant okay baby" he said.

"I'll have a pup?" I asked

"Yes baby we'll have a pup together, I know this is to sudden and I promise baby we'll get through this together. My wolf needs to breed you baby, I'm having a hard time controlling him" he replied. I nodded in response, I understood what he's trying to say. With all this time explaining and teaching me all he knows I come to understand why he's worried about this. Am I ready to become a mother? I'm young but the thought of having Enzo's pup swells my heart, I felt proud and happy so in the end I am ready to become a mother.

"Breed me Enzo" I whispered. He growled in response then strip me naked and lift my body up, his face leaned towards my butt. I blush in response, how I'm in an embarrassing position. He licked my entrance while I moaned in response, I was worried about our very first time, I never had sex before. Once he finish preparing me, Enzo then strip naked. He positioned his long shaft towards my hole, I felt scared knowing I'll experience pain, I don't like pain.

He slowly enter me, I gasped in pain feeling tears roll down my cheek. This doesn't feel good at all, I wanted him to stop.

"It's okay baby just breathe and relax" he said. I nodded in response and breathed slowly, soon the pain turned into pleasure. Enzo push forward making weird noises escaped my mouth, I moaned is what happened. He thrust once again touching someone within me, I moaned loudly unable to recall what just happened.


I thrust forward hearing his soft moans, my baby looked sexy whimpering beneath me. My wolf purr in response knowing we're soon going to knot our mate, I'll plant my seed within him and soon his stomach will swell with our pup growing inside of him. The thought of him carrying my pup made me happy, I wanted to become a father and I wanted to make sure Oscar is ready. As my baby told me to breed him I was very happy.

"Ah! it's good, f-feel so good" he moaned. I groaned in response and continue thrusting, my c*ck swell feeling tingles shoot to my core. I'm almost there, we both are, I held onto his c*ck and began to jerk him off. Oscar threw his head back and moaned my name over and over again. I wasn't lying, I fell in love with him the moment my wolf and I first saw him. He's so beautiful and adorable, I wouldn't dream on living without him. We may not been together for over a month but the moment mates meet each other, it doesn't matter how long we've known each because what's important is being in each others arms.

"Come on baby, cum for me" I whispered. He moaned again until my final thrust, I screamed my name until strings of cum shoot all over his stomach and chest. I groaned loudly until my c*ck twitched the shoot my load inside of him, my c*ck swelled and the knotting begins.

"Look at you baby, you look so sexy" I teased. He lazily looked up at me then smiles, I lean down and kiss his lips.

"I feel so full" he replied. I chuckled.

"You like being full?" I asked

"Yes I love it" he replied

I watch carefully as my beautiful fall asleep, he's so beautiful an innocent I am a lucky man to have such wonderful mate.

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