Chapter #5| Mating pull

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It's bee two days since Oscar's mating heat, there were lots of dry humping to relief his mate. I can sense his confusion on why he's feeling like this, Miles confess he hadn't gave Oscar the sex talk yet. I'm worried to take things to another level, Oscar isn't good with change, he's use to the same routine and with something new comes along he gets frighten.

"I want to stay Daddy" Oscar cried

"Oscar you've stayed home for two days, this is your last week of school and I expect you to go to the remaining days you have left" said Miles.

"No! I want to cuddle with Enzo" he whined. I chuckled as I leaned against the wall, I should tell Oscar to go to school but I didn't want to interrupt their conversation.

"You can cuddle Enzo once you return from school, Enzo is also busy so you have to wait until the afternoon" Miles replied. I sighed and decided to go comfort my little angel, as I walk to towards then Oscar looked at them cried as he jumped and hug me tight.

"D-Daddy w-won't l-let me stay" he cried. I wiped his tears away, my heart pained seeing him cry but I notice Oscar can be stubborn at times.

"Your father is right baby, you need to go to school and I promise I'll pick you up in the afternoon" I said. His cries eases as he looked up with those bright hazel eyes of his.

"Really?" he asked. I smiled.

"Really now get ready" I said. Oscar giggled and went to get changed, I notice Miles glaring at me.

"I still don't like this" he growls

"Doesn't matter what you like, he's my mate and I'll do anything to make him happy" I said

"Well don't spoil him, we've done enough of that and he's slowly having some attitude" he said

"Don't you have husbands to cuddle with" I teased. He growls and leaves me standing alone waiting for my mate. Oscar returns with his school uniform and his school bag, I smiled as I drove him to school. Oscar pout not wanting to leave my side but I assured him we'll see each other in the afternoon.

"Bye" he said

"I'll be here in the afternoon baby, have a great day" I said. He sadly waved me off and he slowly makes his way inside the school building.


"Okay class that is all for today and tomorrow will be your graduation ceremony" said Miss Helen. I say goodbye to Andrew, he's the only friend I ever have in this school and it's sad to see him go. He'll be living with his dad in England for now on.

"I'm going to miss you" I said

"Be to buddy but we'll keep in touch" he said. I smiled. I waved goodbye seeing his Uncle waiting for him outside. I empty my locker and put all my books inside my bag, I had a hard time carrying it but I manage. I walked outside heading towards the school gates, everyone say their goodbyes but the real goodbye would be tomorrow.

My wolf yelp seeing our mate waiting for us as he lean against his car, I blush seeing his handsome self. My core tingled once again, Enzo said what I'm feeling is normal and that I feel horny.

"Hi" I shyly said. Enzo chuckled.

"Good afternoon beautiful" he replied. I blushed again.

"U-Umm tomorrow is my graduation ceremony and I was wondering if you'd like to come?" I asked

"I'd love to baby, I wouldn't miss it" he said. Enzo opened my door and buckle my seat belt. As we arrived home I heard yelling once again from Evan and Trevor.

"That's it Trevor you're sleeping on the couch!" yelled Evan. I rolled my eyes, they always fight but the next hour they act like nothing happens.

"Is it always likes this?" asked Enzo

"Yeah but we just ignore them" I replied. He chuckled, daddy told me Enzo rarely come to visit, he so busy with his own pack that he even forget the days of the week.

"Hi Mama" I said. I kissed Mama Allen and Mama Max on the cheek, they both smiled as they finish cooking dinner early. Daddy and Mama's are going out on a date.

"Alright, Owen I want you to serve dinner today and I want all of you's to help clean up" said Daddy.

"Yes! now stop kissing it's disgusting to watch" Mia groaned. Mama's giggled as daddy slap their butts, everyone groaned and looked away. Everyone gathered around the dinner table, couldn't help but stare at my mate. Enzo sense me staring until I felt his hand touch my crotch. I gasped in surprised until I softly cried in pleasure.

"E-Enzo" I whined as he pulled his hand away.

"Later" he whispered. I shivered in response.

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