Chapter #9| Cravings

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Caring for my baby is my duty, making sure he's okay and help him in the bathroom while he empty his stomach. Dr. Fred said it'll be another week until his morning sickness will ease, he instructed Oscar to be on bed rest don't stress his body to much. This week I'll need to return to my pack for three days, during those days I'll introduce Oscar to the pack and my father.

"I don't feel to good" said Oscar. I sighed.

"I know baby but you need to rest okay, I'm here" I replied. He snuggle close to my warmth, I pull the blanket close to his chin as he fall asleep. I make a few calls to my father to get everything ready for my return. Suddenly I heard someone knock on our bedroom door, Luna Max and Allen enter the room with a tray of food.

"Thank you" I replied

"He's sleeping again?" asked Max

"Yeah he's exhausted but he did manage to eat his lunch" I replied

"Being pregnant isn't easy but he's a strong boy he'll pull through" Allen said. I nodded in response, believing my baby can do anything. He'll be a loving and caring mother, this pregnancy will be tough on both of us but I'm here helping him and making sure he's okay.

"Make sure he eats and drink lots of water" said Max. They bid their goodbyes as they leave us alone. I close my laptop and put phone on charge as I lay down with my baby in my arms.


I woke having an urge to throw up, I kick the blankets off of me as I accidentally shove Enzo to the side. He woke up in surprise then dash behind me as I lift the toilet lid and empty my stomach, Enzo rub my back then use some toilet paper to wipe my lips. I burst into tears, I don't feel so good and I cannot take pain killers.

Dr. Fred said this'll last another week, I'm not excited about it. I'm already worry about this pregnancy but Enzo reminds me I'll be a wonderful mother and he'll never leave my side, I believe his words and soon it calms me.

"Just relax baby, lets take a warm shower" he said. I nodded in response, I weakly take my clothes but Enzo insisted to do it for me. I feel so tired and just want to sleep for the rest of the damn year.

"Lean against me" he instructed

"Thank you" I whispered. He smiled.

"Don't thank me baby, I love you and we'll get through this together" he replies. I smiled and cuddle close to him, feeling the warm water flash onto our bare skin. He gently scrub the soapy sponge around my small frame, I blush as he kneels down and his face is near my crotch. He held my limp c*ck and began to clean it until he turned me around doing the same thing with my ass. He stood up and begin to wash my hair, after I'm all clean I move to the side for him to clean himself.

I wanted to do the same what he did to me but Enzo wanted me to do nothing. As he finish showering he helped me changed then put me into bed, I cuddled in my warm blankets then turn on the TV.

"Babe you need to eat your dinner" he said

"I'm not hungry" I whined

"I know you aren't but you need to eat baby, it'll also feed our pup" he said. I sighed and pick up the bowl of nice warm tomato soup, he handed me a piece of cheese toast to dip inside my soup. It was nice to eat in a cold night and Enzo made sure I ate the whole bowl and surprisingly I did.

"You feel okay?" he asked

"Yeah don't feel like throwing up this time" I replied. Enzo has been educating me more about sexual intercourse, I felt embarrassed that I didn't know much but I understood why my parents didn't tell me. Enzo explained how fragile and innocent I am, I hadn't realise that everyone see me as such. Slowly I'm starting to see things clearly, see things in a different view and I'm thankful for Enzo to explain lots of things I didn't understand about.


"How you feeling baby boy?" asked Daddy

"Just tired but I feel fine" I replied

Mama Allen handed us our lunch, I suddenly feel so hungry like I haven't eaten for the whole day. I was starving and Enzo notice that, he asked Mama Allen to put more food on my plate. As I finish eating my lunch, I wanted to eat cheese to badly.

"Are there any cheese left?" I asked Mama Max. Everyone looked at me weirdly but Mama Max and Mama Allen understood why I'm asking for cheese.

"It's his cravings" Mama Max explained

"Yeah there some left but not much" Mama Allen replied. Mama Allen handed me some cheese and I devour like there's no tomorrow, soon I ate all the cheese and still crave more. My emotions went crazy, I demanded Enzo to go buy me some cheddar cheese otherwise he'll sleep on the couch, I swear I've turn into Evan when he's pissed.

Everyone gasp at my sudden outburst, they hadn't read me get so angry before but I didn't care, I needed my cheese and life depends on it. As Enzo dash towards his car and drive to the store I cuddle close to daddy. The craving won't stop, I needed cheese so badly.

"Baby boy you need to calm down" Daddy cooed

"I can't daddy I want cheese" I whined. He sighed. Five minutes later Enzo returned with blocks of cheese, I smiled and kiss his lips and I open the packet of cheese and eat in happiness.

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