Chapter #3| Alpha Enzo

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A/N: I know this story seemed a bit rushed because it's a short story, I'm not planning to make this long.


"Did you hear Oscar?" asked my best friend Andrew

"What?" I replied

"Alpha Enzo from Dark Moon pack is visiting" he said

"Yeah, daddy told me. Alpha Enzo is daddy's best friend, they've been friends for a long time" I replied. As school bell rang for home time I quickly ran outside to see daddy waiting for me.

"Hi daddy" I said. He smiled.

"Hey baby boy, did you have a good time at school?" he asked

"Yeah! this is my last week of school daddy then there's no more high school for me" I replied

"Of course, you're a big boy now and soon you'll go to university" he said. I didn't like the idea leaving daddy's side, I wanted to stay close as possible. As we arrived home, there were a large group of wolves crowding the front lawn.

"What's going on daddy?" I asked

"Guess Enzo have finally arrived" he said. As I got out of the car, daddy walked a head of me to greet Alpha Enzo. Daddy spoke kind words about Alpha Enzo, I've only met him as a baby pup but I don't remember. Suddenly I smelt something delicious in the air, I lift my head and inhale sharply smelling a sweet rose with a hint of honey. My inner wolf yelp in happiness, telling me to follow such addicting scent. I sniff again then let out a soft whimper, I felt tingles shoot to my groin. I cupped my groan, I don't understand why I'm acting this way, I suddenly felt scared and ran towards daddy.

"Daddy!" I cried. I push through the crowd trying to reach daddy, why do I feel pain in my groan?

"Daddy!" I cried again. As daddy came to my view I jumped and hug daddy tight, by now my whole body is trembling.

"What's wrong, baby boy?" he asked in a concern voice. I didn't understand why my body is acting this way, I refuse to look at anyone other than my daddy. Until I heard a loud growl coming from someone next to us.

"What's wrong Enzo?" asked Daddy. I looked up and saw the most handsome man ever, his bright grey eyes meet my hazel ones, I gasp softly feel my core tingle more. Daddy's eyes widen in shock and look down at me then looked at Alpha Enzo.

"Mate" said Alpha Enzo. I whimper in response and clung to daddy for dear life, my whole body is burning. Daddy tighten his grip around my waist, I whimper again as his touch isn't relieving my burning body. I pushed daddy away and sink to the floor, I cried in pain feeling my core burn. Suddenly I felt warm hands touch my waist, I gasped in surprise and instantly clung to whoever is holding me. I sighed in relief and laid my head onto the strangers shoulder and slowly fall asleep.


"This is a mistake" Miles growled. I held my adorable angel in my arms as sleep peacefully. I can feel his mating heat, he's unaware what's happening to him, it worries me how innocent he is.

"I can't change fate Miles" I said

"He's 18 damn it, you're 31 there's a 13 year gap. How can this be, I won't allow it" Miles replied. I growled in response until I heard my little one whimper.

"You know above anyone to not doubt with the Moon Goddess decision" I hissed. I'll admit, I'm surprised my mate is here as Daniel stated but I never knew my mate is 13 years younger than me. I've been waiting years for my mate and now I finally have him in my arms, he's so beautiful and fragile.

"Give my baby boy Enzo" said Miles. I growled at him then laid my adorable angel on the couch.

"He is mine and that's final, I won't let you getting in the way. He's my mate and I need you to accept that, I know it's a surprise we're 13 years apart but I won't reject him Miles, let Oscar be happy" I replied

"I just stop giving him cuddles, he still attach to me. He haven't ran into the woods before, he's afraid of the outer outside world, change isn't good for him Enzo. He'll have a panic attack Enzo and I know you won't allow him to live here any longer, I just don't know what to do" he said

"What do you mean he haven't been into the woods?" I asked

"Remember when my mates have been kidnapped and beaten. Well Oscar nearly died but I saved his life, even though he's a new born pup he somehow remember that day. He's afraid and being inside the pack and going to school is all he knows. He doesn't go out to the town, he doesn't even go to sleep overs with friends, he's just stuck to me until I told him enough is enough" he replied

"What happened when he first shift into his human form?" I asked

"Nothing really he just cried in pain" Miles replied

"Yeah but once shifting into your human form for the first time you'll shift back into your wolf and run into the woods to explore, it's how we do things" I said

"Like I said, he's only been inside the pack and school. His social skills aren't the greatest, he only have one friend and we haven't told him about sex yet" he said

"My mate is innocent" I mumbled

"Enzo hello" said Allen. I smiled and kissed his cheek.

"It's been a long time" I said

"It has you should visit more" he replied. I then greeted Max and everyone else, Miles picked up my angel and took him to his bedroom to sleep. Suddenly a loud cry coming from the room, I dash into room seeing Oscar thrashing around, he whimper in pain as he pushed his father away.

"I'll handle it" I said. Miles glared at me but I know he's worried about his pup, he gave Oscar a kiss then leaves the room.

"Shh .. baby it's okay I'm here" I whispered

"M-Mate" he whimpered

"Yes baby I'm your mate so now sleep" I whispered. He whimpered again then snuggle close to my warmth then fall asleep once again.

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