Chapter #4| Mating heat

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Warning sexual content!

I woke up with a cry, my whole body burn once again. I clung to whoever is holding me, I assumed it's daddy but the scent doesn't match. My wolf whimpered then purred, I wasn't sure who held me but it's slowly calming this unknown heat I'm experiencing.

"Calm down baby, I'm here" someone whispered. I shivered hearing this unknown voice, it's deep and husky making my body heat up. I felt tingles shoot to my groin, that familiar feeling I felt before and I'm afraid what it is. I opened my tired eyes and saw a handsome man before me, as my vision adjusted I notice Alpha Enzo laying next to me. I gasped in surprise then quickly moved away, it only made this heat burn even more. I whimper in pain until Alpha Enzo pulled me close to his chest.

"Don't freak out baby, I know this is overwhelming but let me explain" he said. His calming voice instantly calms me as I sat on his lap staring into his beautiful grey eyes, I never seen anyone have such unique colour.

"W-Why do I feel so calm around you?" I asked. I blushed and look away, I manage to see him smile and I swear I nearly smelt.

"Baby, we're mates" he replied. Mates ...

"Mates?" I asked. He chuckled.

"Mates are chosen by the Moon Goddess who combine two and make then as one. The bond each shared is stronger than anything and it's our turn to experience such bond" Enzo replied. I nod in understanding, I think back what Abby said.

"I-I guess I won't give daddy cuddles anymore" I said

"Why's that?" he asked

"B-Because daddy said I'm a big boy now and also Abby told me, m-my mate would be jealous if I cuddle with daddy and not my mate" I replied

"Don't worry it's my job to give you lots of cuddles" he said. I looked up with wide eyes.

"Really?" I asked. He smiled. Before he could reply, I cried out in pain and hugged Enzo tight in my arms.

"I-It hurts, why does it hurt?" I cried

"Just breathe slowly baby, you're in heat" he replied. Heat? Mama's sometimes talk to me about this heat but I don't pay attention. Suddenly I heard Enzo softly growl, I notice my hips moving on it's own. Tingles once again shoot to my groin but this time it didn't hurt, it f-felt good and I wanted more.

"Baby, you need to stop" said Enzo. I felt something pointing my stomach, Enzo hissed then grip my butt cheeks, I gasped in surprise then an unusual sound left my mouth. I shifted forwards as the bump touched my groin, I made that sound again and again. I felt my body heat up, my heat felt dizzy as this tingling feeling form around my lower stomach area.

"Let go baby, I got you" Enzo whispered. I threw my head and cried as my groin twitched then a unexplained sensation explode. My body went limp as I laid onto Enzo's shoulder breathing heavily. I don't know what that is but I want to do it again.

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