Chapter #6| Graduation

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Warning sexual content!

"A-Ah!" I softly moaned. I felt his hands move around my chest, I blushed and asked him what he's doing. He only smirked in response making my body heat up even more.

"Open your legs baby" he whispered. I blush as my small hands cover my face, I never felt so embarrassed in my life! I slowly parted my thighs, I see my d*ck standing tall and proud. Enzo called it an erection and he said once I feel horny my groin gets excited.

"W-What are you doing?" I dare to ask

"Just feel baby" he replied. I wasn't sure what he meant until his mouth sucked my d*ck, I gasped in surprise.

"N-No! you can't suck that" I said. Enzo chuckled as he pulled away and kissed my lips.

"Baby this is another way to give you pleasure" he said. Before I could respond his mouth take my full length, I blush so badly as my moans echo in my bedroom. I didn't want everyone to hear us so I covered my mouth, Enzo smirked as he continue sucking.

"A-Ah" I moaned. My small hands touch his hair, I bite down onto my palm trying to contain my moans. Suddenly I felt him gently bite down onto my erection, I hissed in pain and pleasure. I threw my head back and moaned loudly as I climax inside his mouth. I see white liquid rolling down his chin, I blush and looked away.

"Come on babe, lets shower and go to bed. Tomorrow is a big day so you need your sleep" he said. Enzo carried my naked body towards the shower, I blush and slowly covered my crotch, Enzo only laughed in response. He knows I'm not comfortable revealing everything yet so I'm happy he's going easy on me and forcing me to do something I don't like. After my shower I laid next to my handsome mate, I cuddled close to him and sighed as I breathe in his scent.


"Baby time to wake up" Enzo whispered. I groaned and pulled the blanket over my head, I heard him chuckled as I felt his large frame climb on top of me. I peek out of the blankets and meet his gaze, I blush in response.

"Today is your graduation baby" he said.

"I want to stay in bed" I whined. He smiled. Suddenly he pulled to blankets away then began to tickle me. I squealed and laughed, Enzo laughed along with me, I tried to escape but he's too strong for me.

"M-Mercy!" I squealed.

"Wake up! Oscar you only have ten minutes to get ready" yelled Mama Max. I gasp as Enzo moved away, I rush to the bathroom and quickly got ready. I put my formal school uniform.

"Can you tie my tie?" I asked Enzo. My eyes widen seeing Enzo in a suit, it filled his body like a glove, I blush and looked away.

"Sure hold still" he said. Soon we were both ready to head off to my school, we arrived at the school hall. We just made it, Enzo kissed my cheek as I quickly went to the back stage where everyone is ready. I peeked through the curtains and notice my family and Enzo sitting in the front show, I meet his gaze as he gave me a wave and smiled.

"You nervous?" asked Andrew. I sighed.

"Very" I replied.

"I'm going to miss you" he said.

"Me to but we'll meet again I hope" I replied. Nods until the head principle introduce himself then begin the graduation ceremony. One by one, names been called out for awards, I already received three so far for the glassed I aced in. Soon our names been called out again for our year twelve certificate, as my name being called. I notice my brothers and sisters scream my name, I blush in response. Soon the ceremony ended and everyone cheered, I took my time to be with Andrew, he'll be leaving today.

"It's time for me to go, don't want to miss the plane" he said.

"Have a safe trip" I said. We hugged one last time as he waved goodbye, I covered my mouth to prevent me from crying but I couldn't. I cried knowing I will no longer see my best friend again, I know he said we'll keep in touch but in reality he'll start his own life while I do the same. We'll move on and slowly forget each other.

"Don't cry baby" said Enzo. I hugged him tight and cried, Enzo whispered soothing words until slowly I calmed down.

"I'm so proud of you baby" said Mama Allen. I kissed Jane (I think that's his little sister's name or brother, I forgot, lol.)

"Baby brother you're finally an adult" said Owen

"I'm so proud of you!" Abby squealed. I giggled and hugged them all, we took some photos and soon we went out for dinner to celebrate my graduation.

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