Chapter #12| Five months

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Five months later ....

[Warning sexual content!]

Five months flown by so quickly, I looked into the mirror rubbing my large round belly. I've found out that I'm having twins, it was a surprise for everybody. I felt my two little pups kick, I can just see their small paws pressing against my skin. I giggle as I trail my finger around their paw, I whimper in pain feeling my back throb. 

So I walked back onto the bed and sat down as I wait for my pups to calm down, suddenly my wolf whimpered smelling a certain scent. 

"M-Mate" my wolf moaned

"Oh baby, look at you so sexy and naked before me" he teased. I moaned hearing his growl, after finally convincing myself to move in with Enzo into his pack. I thought it'll be hard since I'm moving away from my family but I'm glad they seemed supportive and will visit me when they can. I was nervous moving in, it's hard for me considering my fear going through the woods and meeting new people but with Enzo's help I'm slowly overcoming that fear. 

"Is my pups awake?" he asked. I nodded in response, Enzo walked towards me as he kneel down and place his large hands onto my belly. I whimper from his touch but now my pups kicked more as I'm sure they can sense their father. 

"Hello my babies" he whispered to them. I smiled. He whispered soothing words to our pups to sleep and soon they did. I sighed in relief when I finally have him in my arms, he helped me so much throughout these months. 

"Spread your legs baby" he ordered. I whimpered and comply with his demand, I spread my legs wide, I couldn't feeling see my throbbing c*ck but Enzo liked it when it twitches. As Enzo finish preparing me he soon thrust deep inside my twitch channels. We switched positions where I'm now straddling his hips riding him like he's a horse. 

"S-So good!" I moaned. I bounced up and down, my back arched feeling a familiar sensation bubbled within. Enzo grip my c*ck and roughly jerk me off until I threw my head back and screamed his name as I finally have my release. Enzo continue thrusting until he to find his release, planting his seed deep inside of me. 


"Don't be afraid baby I'm with you" said Enzo. I sighed nervously as I look at my handsome man shift into his wolf, I soon shifted into mine. My large round belly looked bigger in my wolf form, Enzo bark softly as he licked my stomach making me wag my tail. Soon we walked through the woods as he stayed close to my side, I know he wanted to run but I can't since I'm pregnant. 

After 20 minutes of walking he decided to rest near a creek where I can lie down and lean against him. I panted heavily when I crawl forward to drink some water. Being pregnant is hard and just walking around makes me want to stay on the ground forever. I felt my nipples throb in my wolf form as milk is forming within it, it sagged under my stomach and it sways when I walk, it gets annoying at times. 

"Just rest baby, I got you" said Enzo in his human form. I laid my head onto his lap until I slowly drift to sleep. Soon Enzo shake me awake as we both walk back to the pack house, I demanded he give me some cheese as I suddenly crave it once again but this time I wanted Mozzarella. 

"Where is my bag of mozzarella?" I asked him

"Hold on baby, let me get it out of the fridge" he said. I see hear his father chuckling from the living room, he find it amusing as I demand everything from his son. I smiled when Enzo handed me the cheese, I kissed his cheek then sat next to Scott and watch TV. 

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