Chapter #11| Cravings (part 2)

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Please play Flash light covered by Bethany Mota 


I watch my baby boy play with the pack pups outside, Oscar laid on the grass as a small group of wolf pups ran toward him. They all attack his face, licking him as their parents watch in a safe distance, the whole pack watched carefully as their Luna played with their pups. It's a scene I'll never forget and soon our pup or pups will be born, the thought of our pup or pups running around makes me happy. 

I sat down and smiled, Oscar giggled trying to cover his face but the pups use their small paws to push his hands away. I see my dad leaning against the brick wall smiling, the afternoon sun shine upon Oscar. It made his more beautiful, his white shirt reveals his small bump, his hair sway as the cool breeze brush through it. The sun shine upon his face in the right moment as he looked up meeting my gaze then smiled. The pack gasped witnessing Oscar's innocent beauty, my wolf howled pleased Oscar is our mate. 

"Baby, come here" I called. He looked up then quickly stood trying to make a get away before the pups chase after him but soon their parents collect their pups and went inside. Oscar seated on my lap as we both looked at the sunset together, it was a beautiful scene but what's more beautiful is the sun shining upon him right now. He looked at the beautiful sunset while I looked at my beautiful mate, my hand touch his pregnant stomach making him whimper in response. 

"Come, I want to show you something" I said. He nodded allowing me to take his hand, I lead him further into the woods until a small house located next to a fresh water creek. I grab my key and unlock the door revealing the room filled with painted canvases. He gasped looked at the art very carefully until he returned around. 

"I didn't know you paint" he said in surprise, I smiled.

"Don't like to brag about it but I do paint" I replied

"It's beautiful Enzo" he whispered. After I showed him my art I then lead him outside to watch the sunset until it disappears over the mountain. He sat on a swing handing from a tree as he looked out, the breeze brush through his hair once again. I quickly went inside to get my sketch book before he notice my disappearance then began to draw. Oscar slightly turned his head enough to see his pinkish cheeks, I growled lowly and continue drawing capturing his beauty before me. Soon I finish and done finishing touches then the sun finally set. 

"Thank you for taking me here, it must be a personal place for you" he replied shyly. I chuckled.

"It is but I wanted you to see this side of me that not many people know of" I said. He smiled until his breathe hitched, Oscar has always been afraid to go into the woods but I assured him he's safe with me so I gently squeeze his hand to focus on me. I decided it was time to go so I locked the door and we both walked back to the pack house. After we ate dinner, we return to our bedroom I then walked out of the bathroom and watched Oscar looking at the stars and moon. I smiled and walked behind him and kissed his neck making him whimper in response. 

"Breed me Enzo, please I crave your touch" he whimpered. I kissed his lips as his breathe smelled like cheese, that made me chuckled but it didn't bothered me. I gently picked up his small body and laid him onto the bed. I opened his robe revealing his naked body, his c*ck twitched waiting for my touch, I growled and planted kisses around his chest and stomach. 

"I love you so much" he whispered. I smiled. 

"I love you more" I replied. As I finish preparing him, I stroke my c*ck and soon I thrust deep inside his tight channels. Oscar threw his head back and moaned, he gaze never left mine, my slow thrust makes him lose control. I leaned down and capture his lips, Oscar moaned again and again until he screamed his release. 

"Ahhh! so good baby!" he whimpered. I groaned and continue thrusting until soon I find my release and climax hard releasing my seed inside of him. 

"More! please Enzo give me more" he moaned. I chuckled, I guess my baby boy got a new craving but I'm not complaining I'll fill him up all night long and so I did. 

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