{6} Perfection

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"You're setting me up for embarrassment Grayson," I whine as we approach the front door. How was I supposed to just walk into his house? The Valor home. And act as if I'm fit to be in their halls. My anxiety was already kicking in.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, Evelyn. We are just going to walk straight to my room." His room?! "Woah there bud." His hand stops from pulling at the door handle. He looks back at me in confusion. "What?"

'What?'? Grayson has lost some brain cells I swear. "We can't just go to your room. That's weird!" He rolls his eyes and gives me an unamused look. "Would you rather change in the fucking kitchen?" I don't respond and he pulls the door open.

A very modern home with white floors and a gold aesthetic. "We can eat first if you're hungry." I look over at him shaking my head. "I just want to go straight to your room." I hear a voice behind me snort. "Don't tell me you've already undressed her brother." When I turn around I'm met with Adrien and Rose.


"Refrain from your stupid fantasies, Adrien," Grayson warns. But Adrien was too focused on me to pay any attention to him. "You certainly have changed," Adrien eyes me with judgemental eyes.

"Agreed. You didn't always wear such revealing clothes." Rose adds. The tense atmosphere quickly started suffocating me. I hate this. I don't want to be in the presence of more people that betrayed me. I need to breathe.

"Alright you two, knock it off and go back to the hole y'all crawled out of," Grayson says shooing them. They laugh as they walk away and I'm just left standing there. Thinking. Am I dressing as a slut?

"Ignore them." Too late. "I'll take that." Grayson takes the dress bag from my arms and begins walking up the stairs. Before they left five years ago, they were our neighbors. But this new house sort of was a copy of their old house. I tried my hardest to block out old memories from crashing my eyes.

Once we reach the top of the staircase, we walk down a long, big hallway and arrive at a door. "After you." Grayson holds the tall black door open and I slowly walk in. As soon as I walk in, I take in my surroundings. I'm almost too stunned to realize Grayson had stood next to me.

The room had windows covering the entire front of the room, unique 3d designed walls, and a dark, calming aesthetic. His bed lay low on the floor with white sheets black accent pillows and a blanket. The almost completely seethrough curtains were pulled open, revealing a jaw-dropping view of the city.

"You can change in here. I'm going to change in my closet." He speaks making me snap back to reality. I watch as he sets down the dress bag on his bed and walks off to the side where a huge door is. He opens it and walks in, closing the door behind him.

How did I even get here? I can't believe I brought myself to get in his car and come to his house. I wasn't even sure why I complied so easily. It seems my comfort with him from the past wasn't completely under the ice. Or the ice was slowly melting, bringing all of the water back up.

I walk over to the bed unzip the dress bag, and pull the dress out. I pull my blazer off and lay it on the bed. The cool breeze of Grayson's room hit my body as I was wearing a spaghetti strap tube crop top. What can I say, I have an obsession with cropped tops.

I unzip my high-waisted dress pants and pull them off of me. Following my pants, I pull my top over my head. Not knowing what to do with my clothes, I just put them in the empty dress bag and grab the dress. Stepping into the dress, I'm surprised at how perfectly the dress fits me. Almost as if it was molded, and made specifically for me.

It's when I finally slip it on that I forget that I have to zip it up. How the fuck am I supposed to reach the zipper and do it myself.  "Are you done?" I hear Grayson's voice behind the door and I start to panic. "I um- I'm- Just one second!" I call back.

Ok, the zipper lays pretty low, I can pull it up as far as my arm reaches, and maybe far up enough. "Do you have the dress on?" He calls again. I walk to the mirror that was in the corner of his room and turn my back so I can see. "Yes-well-almost."

He takes that as a complete yes and the door opens, he steps out and I lock eyes with him. We just kind of stood there. My eyes were on his but his eyes were on my body. "You look-" His eyes snap back up from my dress and he sees me standing next to the mirror. He clears his throat and nods at my dress.

"Need help?" I sigh in defeat and nod. He walks over to me and I take my chance to look at his outfit. He wore a white dress shirt, black tie, black vest, and black pants. His blazer was in his hand but he tosses it on the bed as he approaches me. His sleeves were rolled up to his forearm revealing his perfectly toned veins. Not too veiny though. His hands were just perfect.

Stop it.

"Turn around." He demands softly. I do so and he brushes my hair aside. I shiver when his cold hand brushes my skin as he slowly zips the dress up. I look at him through the mirror, and almost in an instant, he looks up as well. His eyes looked dark and the only sound in the room was the zipping of my dress.

Not a few seconds later, his eyes fall from mine and he brushes my hair back down. "You look gorgeous Ev." This time, his calling me by my nickname doesn't seem to tick me off. Am I really starting to forgive him?  "I don't think I've seen anyone look this amazing in a dress..." His gaze falls back onto my eyes I'm just looking back at him.

"Describe me in one word..." I was fishing for a compliment. I clung to this moment like a rope. The tension slowly built up. I turn and he looks down at my 5'7 figure. I look up at his 6'2 body. "One word?..."  I nod and he tilts his head. "Perfection." Both of our breathing levels had peaked. You could almost feel the once cold temperature turn into a boiling hot environment.

"We really should get going Ms.Cruz." Grayson suddenly walks away and I take a breath I was so longfully needing. Given his new embarrassed expression, I could tell he regretted the entire interaction that had just happened. What the hell were we thinking? How could I even let myself get so fazed by a simple look?

But I feel more regret on my part. I was the one who allowed it to keep going. He knows that. I know that he knows that. That's why he regrets it. He regrets starting it thinking I'd shut him down. Yet we both kept going.

But there was something else. I just couldn't put my finger on it. I know why I kept going. I kept going because I'd already had a weird scenario play out about us in the past. Because I was already familiar with the thought of us flirting.

But why was he so comfortable looking at me that way?...

"Let's go." He says as he holds his bedroom door open. I grab my bag from the bed and walk out. "This shouldn't take long. We just need to go in, talk to Wren, and we're out." I look over at him as he speaks.

"Sounds like a plan."


Date posted: 10/30/22

Time posted: 10:04 pm

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